Dukan it out !!! - The Dukan Diet



  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Hey, guys. Any of you experience cramping? My leg muscles are (and have been for about a day) pretty sore and now my left inner thigh muscle is acting like it's gonna cramp up into a full blown charlie-horse. What is going on? I haven't been doing extreme workouts. This Dukan Diet is the only thing I've changed recently.

    I wanted to be in Attack for a few days longer, but I think I'd better switch to cruise and get some veggies in my diet sooner.

    Wonder what caused this??

    <3 G.Mouse

    My Pilates instructor told me that muscle cramps are from being dehydrated. Try drinking more water. Hope you're better.
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    I know all of you guys know this basic info, but I was on Youtube and found some videos of Dr. Dukan explaining the diet. I LOVE his accent. :) (especially the way he says 'oat bran' and 'vegetables')
    <3 TheGlitterMouse

    *like* :smile: (and the word 'vitamins')
  • aahd
    aahd Posts: 20
    I just did oat bran chocolate muffin and it was a BIG fail:( the oats didn't make it better it didn't taste good at all!
    I have been on Dukan for 10 days now and I'm craving bread:( HELP
  • mrshickey
    mrshickey Posts: 239
    I just did oat bran chocolate muffin and it was a BIG fail:( the oats didn't make it better it didn't taste good at all!
    I have been on Dukan for 10 days now and I'm craving bread:( HELP

    what recipe did you use?
    did you eat alot of bread beforehand? I only ask becase the cravings do go away but it may be taking longer if you ate alot of bread. have a look at www.thedukandietsite.com for other ways to use oatbran, theres a dukan toast recipe on there. ive not tried it but it may help you. also the oatbran pancakes may help with your craving too. good luck!!
  • willywonka
    willywonka Posts: 743 Member
    I love the oatbran pancake! How is everyone doing? I'm on Cruise phase now... really liking it so far. I am looking forward to my veggies today.
  • AnastasiaRad
    AnastasiaRad Posts: 7 Member
    I am on cruise phase (one week in) and I ate two slices of yogurt cake today (friend's birthday party). Feeling very guilty, have any of you done the same, and how has it affected your weight loss?? And also, how much exercise did you do? I currentlly do half an hour of yoga at 6 am, and then half and hour of high intensity cardio and the Dukan exercises. Is this enough?

  • mrshickey
    mrshickey Posts: 239
    I am on cruise phase (one week in) and I ate two slices of yogurt cake today (friend's birthday party). Feeling very guilty, have any of you done the same, and how has it affected your weight loss?? And also, how much exercise did you do? I currentlly do half an hour of yoga at 6 am, and then half and hour of high intensity cardio and the Dukan exercises. Is this enough?


    i drank alcohol which is probably worse than yoghurt cake and it didnt really affect me atall. it was alot of alcohol, lol.i dont really do much exercise either at the moment as i am frequently in pain and wont have my operation to fix everything until next week, but the diet still works for me. just do the exercise you are happy with and know you can stick to, because as you get nearer to your goal you have to up the ante for those last few pounds. once im recovered from the op i will have to start exercising but the beauty of this diet IMO is that it works anyway!!

    dont feel guilty, just carry on, maybe avoid tolerated items for a couple of days. good luck!!!
  • Today is my 66th day on the Dukan Diet! I have lost 28 pounds and have 11 more too lose until I hit my True Weight. I am really liking this lifestyle!!! :)
  • aahd
    aahd Posts: 20

    I tired this reciepe
    I haven't consumed any bread before I even start the diet. I was trying baby steps to reduce my carbs before Dukan Diet.
    I found out that I should increase my protein intake inorder to feel more full, but I'm still looking for a carb-alternative. I also tried to do oat bran pancakes in different ways but I didnt like it too , it seems i have a problem in tasting oats cooked with eggs not as porridge.

    Thanks a lot for your reply


    That's awesome! keep it up and good luck reaching your goal :))
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    I haven't been following a strict Dukan diet, but am reading the book and incorporating several Dukan suggestions in my low-carb life:
    * I am totally loving the oat bran galettes. I make mine with 3 Tbsp oat bran, 3 Tbsp greek yogurt, 1 egg, sprinkle of cinnamon and a dash of vanilla - then after it's cooked, I cut it in half (although depending on what phase you are on, you could eat the whole thing).
    * I am also planning to make the Miracle Soup this week. Since I'll probably be the only one eating it at my house, and I don't know if I like it or not yet, I may 1/2 the recipe.
  • AnastasiaRad
    AnastasiaRad Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, I really really need somebody's help with this diet.... I'm almost 4 weeks in, and about a week ago I binged massively at a friend's birthday party - I had something like 7 times my reccomended calorie intake, and god knows how much sugar. Since then, I haven't followed the diet properly, and have had a week of having vegetables every day. I exercise (half an hour of intense yoga in the morning, and Dukan exercises, sometimes half an hour of cardio too), but I feel like I can't get back to the pure protein days, because I don't feel full anymore, and I have lost almost no weight anyway (I started on 68 (167 cm), and am now around 64/5 I think, because my scales are dodgy). If you've managed to read this much, could you please tell me what you think I should do, as I feel really lost, but don't want to quit completely... Thank you so much if you've read all this, I know I went on for ages!!
  • aahd
    aahd Posts: 20

    It is okay if you quit for some time and come back on protein it will be like a jump-start for you. I understand how hard it is to go back to protein so I suggest that you take baby steps before you start strictly and binge again at any party.
    Try to follow the pre-Dukan steps in limiting your carbs which include vegetables. And then look for recipes that can full fill your needs with proteins. Try to have coffee as it makes you feel less hungry in the morning. As for breakfast the best thing is to have oatbran porridge with skimmed milk but makes it heat for a while until it gets creamier.
    During attack if you feel hungry after any meal, try to enjoy a skimmed milk yoghurt or low fat cottage cheese.
    Spice your food with herbs, garlic, and chili so you won’t get bored of the food. But don’t consume a lot!
    Oh you can have a nice dessert by keeping your fat free vanilla yoghurt in the freezer for some time and it will taste exactly like a frozen yoghurt! )
    What personally fills me for lunch is grilled chicken breast stuffed with 0 fat cream cheese try it with a bit of mustard. And if you want you can add to the filling a slice of turkey and it will be a delicious cordon blu on Attack phase!
    Try to go on the attack phase and you know exactly it will boost your metabolism up! Believe me it needs a little self encouragement and support which makes this topic useful. i hope what I said is beneficial
    Good luck
  • How is everyone going with the Dukan Diet??? I am loving this lifestyle! I have 9.5 pounds left until I hit my True Weight!! :) Its been a great process!
  • AnastasiaRad
    AnastasiaRad Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks for your encouragement and advice, I will defeniately attempt to start anew with a 5 day attack phase... And I eat the porridge every day. it's soooooo good with some cinnamon!
  • Erin_26
    Erin_26 Posts: 97 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I have not been following DD the last couple weeks. My hubby and I are in a bit of financial slump and were forced to go through our freezer stock instead of stocking up on Dukan essentials. The carbs I ended up eating made me crave more carbs and it got a bit out of control for a bit. I am trying to at least be mindful of carbs, while still using what we have in the house.


    It's a marathon, not a sprint, right? :)

    I have not weighed myself since jumping off the wagon, it would be too depressing, I'm sure. Once I go shopping either this weekend or next week, I will hit Attack again, but won't be weighing mysef for a little while. I was 5 lbs from my True Weight before this blip on the radar.

    Hope you're all doing really well. I see we have some new thread members, welcome!! I hope our little group can help keep you motivated and on track!

    Chat soon!

  • Teddyaderwich
    Teddyaderwich Posts: 69 Member
    Good to see you back Erin - looking forward to some more inspirational posts on this thread.
  • Hello... I am new to this thread but I have been doing the Dukan Diet for about 2 months and have been very successful so far. I am down 34 pounds and absolutely thrilled.

    My story: I went to the doctor concerned for my health and was told after lab work that I had diebetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure. My doctor told me I had to limit my carbs, sugar, fat, cholesterol and had to begin exercising. When you break it down what do you have left to eat? Protein and veggies! I had gestational diebetes with my three prenancies and knew what I was in for. one bite of rice and my blood sugar went though the roof. The natural sugars in fruit same effect.

    My friend happened to mention to me about this diet about three weeks after my appointment. I was in denial. So I decided I would check out the book and see if it was a lifestyle I could live with the rest of my life... I decided to do it the next day. The 3rd and 4th phase were very duable. Now I have 80 pounds to get to my true weight and I will be on the 3rd phase longer than I will be on phase 2. That is was sold me on the diet. When I have lost my weight I will have plenty of time for my body to reintroduce foods I have not had for some time. before I even get on maintenance. Rememeber I am diabetic and rice, potatoes and bread will rarely be eaten if at all.

    I also started going to the gym the same day I started the diet for my 30 minute cardio workout. Thats it! I knew if I didn't start both at the same time I would never stick to it.

    I had my follow up appointment a couple weeks ago and my doctor was so thrilled that my blood sugar was under control I may not need meds and my blood pressure and cholesterol went back to normal. She said I don't know what you are doing but keep it up! My next appointment will be in January. This diet is definately not for everyone but it is perfect for me.
  • paulwgun
    paulwgun Posts: 439 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Ive been on MFP almost a month but just found this thread. Last week a friend told me about Ducan Diet so I went to buy the book. and this Monday I started my Ducan journey ......... Can I last mmmmm we will have to wait and see but so far in 4 days I have lost 8lb
    I havent joined the online club but it recommended i do the attack phase for 5 days I'm seriously considering doubling that to 10 days as I feel fine and am doing 4-5 days in the gym with 11/2 to 2 hour sessions and feel great
    why do proteins cost soooo much :-) ATB to everyone Paul
  • glittermouse
    glittermouse Posts: 582 Member
    Hey, all!
    How's it going??
  • willywonka
    willywonka Posts: 743 Member
    Hi everyone, Happy Halloween!
    So far so good, I am still cruising along and am really enjoying this way of eating. I definitely look forward to my PV days!
    So far, I am down 14 lbs and my carb cravings are all but gone, weight loss has definitely slowed way down, but that's a good thing I suppose.

    Most of you are probably already familiar with this website for Dukan recipes- but it has been a lifesaver, everything that I have tried on there is delicious. :flowerforyou:
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