esco76 Member


  • Hello and welcome. I am somewhat new too.
  • Don't worry so much about the daily fluctuations as you should be thinking about small long term lifestyle changes. One thing to note as said above, salts and mostly hidden salts in food can lead to weight gain. Example, I used to think I was eating well by using "soy sauce." What an error, as it had so much sodium in it.…
  • Sounds good. Thanks. I'll give it a try.
  • Perhaps watch your hidden salts and sodium. I struggle more when I have extra salt. Just thinking out loud. Good luck.
    in Diet coke Comment by esco76 October 2011
  • Great to hear from you and good luck. I just started this week too. The only advice I have is to keep logging in your meals and being as accurate as possible. That keeps you thinking about what you are putting into your body. I have a long way to go, but I like this tool.
    in Day 1 Comment by esco76 October 2011