

  • My pleasure. I hope it helps. I am desperate for good advice about losing weight during perimenopause because the "regular" ways are not working, as in we really are up against it. Please post any advice you have ladies in terms of what had made a difference for you.
  • I take a bunch of supplements too. I take potassium so my muscles don't cramp. The magnesium does help me a lot with headaches. But, I hear you, I have not lost weight due to supplements. I take them for health. I have a treadmill, but I prefer to swim for my cardio. I recently joined a HC and have finally begun to lose…
  • "40 Pounds Lighter by Spring". Notes from today's Dr. Oz show 4 hurdles: 1) Metabolism slows down (lose 5% of metabolism per decade), 2) hungrier because our hormones, 3) loss of muscle mass (women lose muscle twice as fast as men); 4) sweet tooth * sleep is key. Exercise helps us sleep more. Orange light bulb activates…
  • Hi, That is totally what I am going through. I have increased my exercise by joining a HC so that I could do resistance exercise. I think that has helped along with keeping my cals between 1200-1400 per day, when I am behaving, lol. I do tend to behave and cannot believe the enormous amount of effort involved in losing…
  • Thanks for setting up the group, Debbie. Love the dog!
  • Dr. Oz said that wheat germ is super food for weight loss. Sprinkle on popcorn, add to shakes or smoothies, or, yogurt, or buy capsules or oil. Also to fight cortisol, rhodiola rosea I will post Monday's show. The above was on today's, Friday, show
  • "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels." - a model said that My biggest motivation is not the after picture but not wanting to return to the before / fat picture. I am down 35lbs but still less than 1/2 way to my goal, and the idea of going back to the obese person I was is not an option. In other words, find your…
  • Wow, good for you and thanks for the post. One of my friends said that I should go no lower than 1200 cals per day because my body goes into starvation mode. Now, I see another person that brought their cals down to 1200 and it worked. So thanks. I will try that now. She forwarded me the article below: Hi Ladies, The…
  • I would love to join the group. I am 45 (5' 6.5", 175, target of 130, started at 210) diet and exercise with zero results. As in four months straight (exercise 6 days per week/swimming 1-1.5 hours per day)- no progress. I have tried a variety of diets to no avail: atkins, alternative day, and good old fashioned calorie…
  • Hi, from my reading, I found designer whey protien shakes were highly recommended. I add 1.5 teaspoons of baking cocoa - an additional 8 calories and 2 teaspoons of splenda to improve the taste. Supposedly, whey protein shakes are really beneficial after workouts to "feed" your muscles making it good for body builders and…
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