Lose4Moi Member


  • Luv the Avatar (PinkyFett). How exactly did they find you had hashi's? I asked my endo but he says I don't have it. Did you request to be put on Armour? I've heard good and bad on it (mostly great stories). Hope that your body responds well to Armour, would love to hear about it. May the Force be You
  • Hi, I'm in my 40s, diagnosed hypo in my teens, have 2 kids (no issues getting pregnant) and am at my wit's end. Was on Synthroid 112mcg for YEARS and doc kept bugging me and bugging me about my weight (hello, DUH, you think that I don't WANT to lose weight?). I finally had it with her and showed her my food/exercise…
  • I used to be on Synthroid for over 20 yrs (diagnosed in my teens - now in my 40s) and my doc kept badgering me about my weight. Finally after showing her food and exercise journals she agreed that something was up and we added Cytomel slowly increasing from 5 to 25 over the course of almost a year. It helped me lose only…