Friendship & Intro Thread



  • Lose4Moi
    Lose4Moi Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I'm in my 40s, diagnosed hypo in my teens, have 2 kids (no issues getting pregnant) and am at my wit's end.

    Was on Synthroid 112mcg for YEARS and doc kept bugging me and bugging me about my weight (hello, DUH, you think that I don't WANT to lose weight?). I finally had it with her and showed her my food/exercise journals so we discussed adding Cytomel and went ahead with that. My BP and sugar, cholesteral levels have always been really good.

    We started at 5 and slowly went up to 25 with the Cytomel over the course of almost a year because I wasn't really losing weight. I ended up losing just under 10lbs which wasn't really too much. The problem was that I was ignoring symptoms that were coming up with the Cytomel, excessive sweating, moodiness, trouble sleeping and anxiety and I chalked it up to stress from work and stuff. Then in August I got heart palpitations and got hubby to drive me to the E.R. I thought I was having a heart attack. Luckily I was wrong but the palpitations were caused because of my HYPERthyroidism! WHAT?! I told them, no, I have HYPOthyroidism and the E.R. doc told me that Cytomel had switched that. You'd think I would've lost a lot of weight but I wasn't so lucky LOL.

    Anyway, we stopped the Cytomel and lowered by Synthroid to 88mcg and that's where I am. I have gained 15lbs (I'm under 5ft, so it SHOWS), I'm always tired, my hair is falling out more than normal, dry skin...yada yada, you all know the story. I went and saw a well respected endo in my area and he ran a whole bunch of tests on me, checked for adrenal fatigue, cortisol levels, the works! He even had me do the nasty 2hr glucose test which I passed and actually my 2hr levels were in the 60s (should have been in the 100s). He says I'm not pre-diabetic (I had gestational diabetes with my twins) but that my body seems to produce too much insulin to quickly burn off any sugar and that's not good.

    He left me on 88mcg and told me to go on a 3month strict diet of 1000 calories a day. I did it for 27 days and guess what? I GAINED weight! I initially told him that I thought that was too low and I would store fat but he disagreed. Now I'm pissed at him and haven't seen him because I know he's going to think that I didn't do what I was supposed to.

    It's just very frustrating and glad to be able to be on this group of people that totally get where I'm coming from. Any suggestions would be welcome and I will try to share my experiences with you all.
  • Lose4Moi
    Lose4Moi Posts: 3 Member
    I'm looking for any friends with thyroid problems. It's nice to have people who can relate.

    I have had Hashimoto's for a few years now. I had just hypothyroidism for a few years prior. I went undiagnosed for about 4 years because a couple of docs had a "miscommunication," and I never was put on medication.

    I have recently started Armour and I'm hoping this is what I need to get my levels in check and finally be able to lose the weight.

    Luv the Avatar (PinkyFett).

    How exactly did they find you had hashi's? I asked my endo but he says I don't have it. Did you request to be put on Armour? I've heard good and bad on it (mostly great stories). Hope that your body responds well to Armour, would love to hear about it.

    May the Force be You
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Hashimoto's is diagnosed by a blood test for antibodies (it's an autoimmune disease) + an ultrasound.
  • Hello, I've had mfp for a while, but wasn't using it much until recently. I was diagnosed with hypothyroid last year after having my third child. I had no symptoms before that, and was a healthy weight. I think my pregnancy may have brought it on? I was pretty heavy until I started the meds, and quickly lost 42 pounds eating better, then all of a sudden 6 months after losing weight I gained half of it back! Now I can't make my weight budge no matter what I do. I can eat perfectly and workout like crazy with no change at all! I'm going crazy over this! I'm hearing that levothyroxine doesn't really work well for everyone... Maybe I need something's nice to have found this group, I don't know anyone with this problem!
  • mzfrizz15
    mzfrizz15 Posts: 135 Member
    Yay, other people who know what it's like to fight with this!

    Hello all! I started showing symptoms of hypothyroidism when I was around 19 or 20, but wasn't diagnosed hypothyroid until I was 25 or so. I'm 32 now. The doctors I'd seen before then all just threw antidepressants at me, which only made me feel sicker. (The words "Paxil, Lexapro and Citalopram" still make me angry.) It took 3 doctors and a nurse practicioner to get me a diagnosis other than "depression." (ONE guess as to which one bothered with having a blood test done....)

    My mother mentioned needing to be put on thyroid meds whenever she was pregnant if she wanted to be able to carry it to term. Looking back, I wish I'd mentioned that tidbit to the doctors I'd seen before I was diagnosed accurately. In my defense, it was pretty hard to think back then with the horrible mental fog I was in. At first, I was put on a synthroid dose of 150 mcg. I loved it! I dropped 25 lbs in 4 months and always had energy! But then I started getting heart palpitations and became so jumpy and nervous all of the time. I was put on 75 mcg and the weight all came back, and then some. :sad:

    Currently, I'm seeing a pretty good Internist. She knows that the thyroid problem is part of why I have a weight problem (in addition to my lack of exercise and previous poor diet) and treats me with respect. I was bumped up to 88 mcg a few months ago and seem to be stable again. I'm actually able to lose weight IF I exercise and watch what I eat. :happy:
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    The doctors I'd seen before then all just threw antidepressants at me, which only made me feel sicker.
    It was pretty hard to think back then with the horrible mental fog I was in.
    ^And this!
    Currently, I'm seeing a pretty good Internist. She knows that the thyroid problem is part of why I have a weight problem (in addition to my lack of exercise and previous poor diet) and treats me with respect.
    That is _huge_! I am so jealous (but happy for you)!
  • jriffey
    jriffey Posts: 12 Member
    MC it caught my attention when you mentioned how your heart rate goes up. I have problems with that too when I do cardiograph. Have settled for walking and try to do hills when I can. I sweat ALOT and feel sick if I overdo it.
  • Hi folks - I'm brand new to myfitnesspal, but went straight for a thyroid group because I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism in the past 6 months. We finally got my thyroid numbers to a therapeutic level, but now I"m ready to fight the battle of the bulge!!! can't wait to learn new things from everyone here!
  • dabears6352
    dabears6352 Posts: 34 Member
    I'm new to MFP as well. I've been on synthroid since before I can remember. I was diagnosed when I was 7 and have been heavier than I should be for most of my life. I'm ready to get healthy and fit. I hope this tracker is just what I need.
  • Hi everyone. A year and a half ago I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. 2 years before that had to get my gallbladder removed. Now ive been on thyroid meds for awhile... dr said my levels were normal again. Pfffff I was still having bad days just not as much. I requested dosage uped because no matter how hard I was trying my weight was the same for 2 m onthes. I dont know if anyone else is getting that problem. But because im not seeing much progress I gave up. I really need a good support team in place. If anyone wants to add me please do!!!!!!
  • RozayJones
    RozayJones Posts: 409 Member
    Hey all! I have been a part of this group for awhile and figured it's time to post on the intro thread :)

    My name is Rose I am a mom of 4 and I work full time. I was diagnosed hypo, then hyper, then finally with hashimoto's and then thyroid cancer in October of 2011. After having two surgeries for a complete thyroidectomy I am still working at finding my 'perfect' level. I recently found out that my blood results still show hashi's, my tumormarker level is high and I still have a decent amount of thyroid tissue left - so now I have blood tests every 6 weeks. It's a hassle and I am over it but I am also happy they are watching my levels so closely - now if they could help with the 70lbs I've gained since 2011!

    I would love any friends that can relate!

    ~Cheers :drinker:
  • Janette3x4
    Janette3x4 Posts: 135
    Hi everyone!
    I hope you all are having a good day/night/morning depending on where you live! ????
    I was diagnosed with hyper and graves about 10 years ago. I was allergic to both anti thyroid meds but continued on beta blockers and they did help. In March, I went into thyroid storm. I was hospitalized for 6 nights. (HR resting 170!) So I had RAI done. (yuck, I know but it was that or my heart)
    Obviously, now I am going hypo. I am not on meds yet so I am easily able to gain 6 ounces per day which is what brought me to my fitness pal.
    I am currently eating 1550 cals per day and I walk at 3.5 mph everyday for 2-3 miles. I am almost maintaining 150 pounds but creep up and down sometimes more up than down! I use TDEE at 20%.
    I am beginning to think I need to ea even less, but I always feel hungry now! I use a food scale and am pretty diligent about counting.
    My THS last test was .04, my t4 free was 1.50. Prior to that THS was .05 and t4 free was 5.60.
    Anyway I am 53 years old. Is there really any hope of not gaining as I go hypo?
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    I am going hypo. I am not on meds yet so I am easily able to gain 6 ounces per day which is what brought me to my fitness pal.
    I am currently eating 1550 cals per day and I walk at 3.5 mph everyday for 2-3 miles. I am almost maintaining 150 pounds but creep up and down sometimes more up than down! I use TDEE at 20%.
    I am beginning to think I need to ea even less, but I always feel hungry now! I use a food scale and am pretty diligent about counting.
    My THS last test was .04, my t4 free was 1.50. Prior to that THS was .05 and t4 free was 5.60.
    Anyway I am 53 years old. Is there really any hope of not gaining as I go hypo?
    I'm 45, with Hashimoto's (autoimmune thyroid disease). I kept gaining even after taking Synthroid. I started losing once I learned to log everything I eat & drink accurately & honestly. Logging works.

    Weigh literally everything—even packaged foods. Measure all liquids with calories—including whatever you put in your coffee. Learn to find accurate database entries. There's a lot of junk data in there.

    If you still aren't losing, get an activity tracker or heart-rate monitor, or eat back half your exercise calories.

    Everybody's different, and it will take trial & error to find what works for you. Do not give up! Read this:
  • Janette3x4
    Janette3x4 Posts: 135
    I am going hypo. I am not on meds yet so I am easily able to gain 6 ounces per day which is what brought me to my fitness pal.
    I am currently eating 1550 cals per day and I walk at 3.5 mph everyday for 2-3 miles. I am almost maintaining 150 pounds but creep up and down sometimes more up than down! I use TDEE at 20%.
    I am beginning to think I need to ea even less, but I always feel hungry now! I use a food scale and am pretty diligent about counting.
    My THS last test was .04, my t4 free was 1.50. Prior to that THS was .05 and t4 free was 5.60.
    Anyway I am 53 years old. Is there really any hope of not gaining as I go hypo?
    I'm 45, with Hashimoto's (autoimmune thyroid disease). I kept gaining even after taking Synthroid. I started losing once I learned to log everything I eat & drink accurately & honestly. Logging works.

    Weigh literally everything—even packaged foods. Measure all liquids with calories—including whatever you put in your coffee. Learn to find accurate database entries. There's a lot of junk data in there.

    If you still aren't losing, get an activity tracker or heart-rate monitor, or eat back half your exercise calories.

    Everybody's different, and it will take trial & error to find what works for you. Do not give up! Read this:

    Thank you! Yes, I have heard that meds don't necessarily help you with the weight gain. I am happy that because of this site, I have learned how to count EVERYTHING, and have been able to fairly maintain my weight.
  • Whutrchoo
    Whutrchoo Posts: 1
    Hello everybody!

    I'm 34yrs old 5'1"and currently weigh 170 lbs. I should be somewhere between 115-130. I take antidepressants, anxiety, ADD and sleeping meds. Not to mention my hypothyroid meds as well. I've tried several fad diets and exercising and liposuction. It's been very discouraging. I've had hypothyroidism for 7 years now. I think it started after or during the birth of my youngest child. I've also had type II diabetes.
    What am I doing now? I'm going to start Isagenix and see if that lights a fire under my bum... I am also going to see a new endocrine doctor on Tuesday. I need energy, motivation and a new thyroid doc.
    Hopefully this forum can help me. If not at least I can make somebody else feel like they are not alone.
  • joflo723
    joflo723 Posts: 119 Member
    Hi everyone. I am new to the group, and new to MFP. I'm 42 and was diagnosed with Graves Disease (hyper) this past March. Previously, I had been dieting and couldn't believe how awesome it was losing so much weight so fast! I was so proud of my little 'ol self! lol Had NO idea that it was the thyroid being overactive that made it so easy. Of course, I had all the other symptoms too (shaky hands, sweating, heart palps, etc), so when I went in to get THOSE things checked, doc gave me the Graves diagnosis and put me on meds. Well of course, that slows DOWN the thyroid; in fact, I've had to cut back because as of two months ago, I've become HYPOthyroid...and holy taco bell did I put on weight...14 lbs in the past 3 months! Yikes!

    Anyways...I'm trying to get my levels corrected and in the meantime, I'm taking ownership in the things I that I DO have control over, like diet and exercise.

    Looking forward to sharing stories and hearing from everyone else's experiences.

  • Janette3x4
    Janette3x4 Posts: 135
    Hi everyone. I am new to the group, and new to MFP. I'm 42 and was diagnosed with Graves Disease (hyper) this past March. Previously, I had been dieting and couldn't believe how awesome it was losing so much weight so fast! I was so proud of my little 'ol self! lol Had NO idea that it was the thyroid being overactive that made it so easy. Of course, I had all the other symptoms too (shaky hands, sweating, heart palps, etc), so when I went in to get THOSE things checked, doc gave me the Graves diagnosis and put me on meds. Well of course, that slows DOWN the thyroid; in fact, I've had to cut back because as of two months ago, I've become HYPOthyroid...and holy taco bell did I put on weight...14 lbs in the past 3 months! Yikes!

    Anyways...I'm trying to get my levels corrected and in the meantime, I'm taking ownership in the things I that I DO have control over, like diet and exercise.

    Looking forward to sharing stories and hearing from everyone else's experiences.


    I also have Graves, and was hyper for many years.. I was allergic to both anti thyroid meds, so ended up having to have RAI in March after suffering a near deadly thyroid storm. I too used to be able to lose weight almost effortlessly, and quickly. Now, if I eat over 1500 calories and do not excercise everyday, I can gain 6-8 ounces a DAY! Going hypo is so frustrating! I barely maintain, I tell ya. But, I look on the brightside, at least I caught myself, and it is do-able. It is just work.
    There is not much activity on here I have noticed.
  • hmrambling
    hmrambling Posts: 321 Member
    I have post surgical hypothyroidism and hypoparathyroidism. I was advised in April that my parathyroid did not 'wake up' following last June's thyroid surgery. Sometimes my fingers and hands get sore from the hypopara. I have to take calcium, synthroid, and calcitriol. Some folks experience all kinds of emotional issues with the hypopara, including depression and anxiety. I was both depressed and anxious when I first learned that I had hypopara due to the thyroid removal... but I got active instead of sitting in it. I am optimistic that a healthier diet and exercise will help with both the hypopara and the hypothyroidism.

    I'm 38, 5'5", and 160. Within the past month, I started working out regularly and I have been eating healthier. I juice veggies that are high in calcium when I can.

    Glad to find this group.
  • Wendytd
    Wendytd Posts: 1
    Hi I have only just found this site. I had a multi nodular goitre so the doctors removed my thyroid. I was a fit healthy 36 year old. Since then I don't feel I have a life, I have had svts due to thyroxine so had a heart ablation. I don't eat a lot but have managed to gain 30 kilos. Even when I vomited for 2 weeks after op I put weight on. I am just really miserable not sleeping.,no energy, heart palps, food intolerance6 miscarriages and most of all fat which everyone keeps telling me to just lose.after trying every dirt going iam scared that these feelings are never going to go away. I can't imagine moving on with life like this.having my thyroid out ended my life. I'm sorry it's how I feel
  • Janette3x4
    Janette3x4 Posts: 135
    Hi Wendy. ???? You sound fed up and I don't blame you! You are going through a lot. Hugs.
    Just when I think I have it bad, someone comes along who has it worse. I hope you find some support here! I am trying very hard to love myself the way I am just in case I never change.