MrsJanay Member


  • No 'diet" is going to work. It has to be a lifestyle change. It will all jump right back on you after 17 days of changing. You go back to your old ways, so does the weight. Just make it a lifestyle change. I still eat bad sometimes. I cut all sugar, white flour etc. I have lost 13 pounds in a little over a month. A guy I…
  • I have lost 8 pounds in 3 weeks, so I will have lost 10 in the month I am sure. This is all I did Stopped eating ALL white foods. Bread, noodles, sugar, and switched to all whole wheat. I eat a lot more than I use to, sugar free oatmeal in the mornings, apple around 10, salad or something for lunch, another snack around 3…
  • Try this: Do not eat anything white! No white flour, noodles etc. Go to whole wheat and cut sugars. My best friend has lost 65 pounds since Nov by doing this. And up your water. This is also my method and I have lost 9 pounds in under 3 weeks
  • I need more friends too! Feel free to add me
  • I had the same problem. Every night before bed I eat a high protien snack. Protien burns fat when you sleep . . . . I eat a think of greek yogurt (make sure its plain without sugar) I add splenda, cinnamon and fresh fruit! Its really good. Coming from someone who is obessed with sweets, I prefer that over a cupcake :o)
  • Ok one of my really good friends (317 pounds) had a heart attack. The doctor needed her to lose weight quickly. He told her to go to GNC or a local health/vitamin mart and buy a liquid bottle of protien (wayyyyy cheaper than the ads on the radio). She takes it every morning and night. There is a trick to it though. It…