

  • I am the same way. I get excited about starting a new journey in life... but then get bored or else forget about the goals I'm headed towards. With going to school, and getting into nursing you should be out walking a lot! Maybe get one of those things that you can strap to your hip, that tracks how many steps you took…
  • Okay thanks! I guess I was trying to jump the gun lol. I'll definitly start walking around a bit more. Thanks for the information!
  • Thanks for posting this question!! I actually thought of this same question when I was sitting down to have my coffee. I had thought it was the first hour, but wasn't 100% sure.
  • That's my problem also - I get bored and lazy feeling. I like doing things that are excersize, but don't FEEL like it's excersize. I like to do photography, so I walk downtown and take pictures. Even picking strawberries is a fun excersize that you could/would enjoy. (:
  • Good luck!
    in Newbie Comment by sls8486 May 2010