DianeMichiko Member


  • I would absolutely die on a 1200 calorie diet!! I eat roughly 1400-1800 a day. some days are better than others. I use this app more as a food journal vs actually counting calories. counting calories can become extremely dangerous for some (like me). If your daily caloric intake is not calculated properly, it can also be…
  • on a healthy day, i eat on average 1400-1600 a day...on a bad day, its fast food and i end up eating up to about 2500 calories a day. Tracking calories can be very beneficial. It can also be very dangerous if not done right. Like the HCG diet thats out there telling people to only eat 500 calories a day and take their…
  • check this out...it might help explain some of what youre dealing with https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=267117393336433&set=a.256980957683410.61255.159603604087813&type=3&theater becoming healthy shouldnt be all about your weight. I weigh myself about 4 times a year. Otherwise, I base my fit self on how my clothes…