Is there anyone that eats more than 1200 calories a day??



  • cbaughman07
    cbaughman07 Posts: 29 Member
    my profile is set to 1 bound a week loss and it has me at 2120 calories a day but im lucking if i get up to 1400 lol my norm is around 1200-1300 a day and that is when i eat a lot or drink something like soda (which only do about 2-3 times a month) i couldnt imagine eating my calorie goal and anything from working out lol keep up the good work your doing well :)
  • divamsm
    divamsm Posts: 79 Member
    I was on 1200 but I stopped losing weight. I went to and used their calculators to re-calculate my daily calories, etc. This put me at 1625, so that's what I'm striving for now, although I had gotten used to 1200 plus eating back whatever I had burned. Now, I find it hard to eat all my calories. I've only been on 1625 since last week so we'll see if I lose anything. :laugh:
  • CurveAppeal86
    CurveAppeal86 Posts: 272 Member
    I'm at 1900 + 560 or so for my work out. I am NEVER close to that. I really think I need to start eating more food. I put in all my food today and was only at 888, so I had to add some more food in there.
  • DianeMichiko
    DianeMichiko Posts: 5 Member
    I would absolutely die on a 1200 calorie diet!! I eat roughly 1400-1800 a day. some days are better than others. I use this app more as a food journal vs actually counting calories. counting calories can become extremely dangerous for some (like me). If your daily caloric intake is not calculated properly, it can also be extremely dangerous. internet tools are sometimes telling people to eat hundreds less than they should be! not eating enough calories each day could cause you to become malnourished, sluggish through out the day, and you could actually gain weight! just my two cents ;) Good luck with it all!! :)

    .:Abs are made in the kitchen:.
  • zukkiz
    zukkiz Posts: 362 Member
    I eat 2445 a day (300 for breastfeeding) when I am on a cut. Right now I am eating 2681 for my rest week. It's great to lose and feel nourished at the same time!
  • misstoridanielle
    misstoridanielle Posts: 62 Member
    i'm currently at a1710 goal, but i rarely make it there. as of right now i'm eating 1250-1400 a day.
  • Yosemite4vr
    Yosemite4vr Posts: 84 Member
    YEP, me.
  • I have a plan for 1770 or something of that nature and I actually have a hard time eating that much but I'll try! (:
  • jawheb
    jawheb Posts: 295 Member
    I eat a 2000 calorie diet a day. Sometimes
    more because of calories burned during
    workouts. I'm body building though.
  • anaboneana
    anaboneana Posts: 195 Member
    i've tried but it's kind of a no-go for me. i feel hungry by the end of the day.. although, i do allow myself flexibility between eating 1200-2000/day. it depends on the day - my hunger level, what i'm doing (activities, errands, desk work, excercise), et cetera.
  • mishimouse101
    mishimouse101 Posts: 47 Member
    Per my friend who is a biochemist, and whom I trust and has helped me lose 43# to-date:
    TO LOSE weight, a person should be eating their weight +0, so I'm at 170 now so I eat 170+0 = 1,700 cals a day to LOSE.. I also eat back at least 60% of my exercise calories.. now this doesn't happen all the time but I always eat at least 1700 a day. I lose 1-2 pounds a week. I'm a happy person at this number and I like the person I'm becoming =)

    First-Shawna you have a darling profile pick and started a great thread, thanks!

    Re; above quote-I don't think your formula works for everyone. Maybe if you are in close range of your goal. Per MFP, to lose my net calories should be 1200 and my BMR is 1600, creating a deficit. If I eat my weight +0 I would be above my BMR and putting on weight. I am middle aged and sedentary, averaging 1400-1500 calories with exercise calories added back is resulting in a slow loss rate in areas like my midsection.
  • puffidredz
    puffidredz Posts: 119 Member
    I have seen so many people just on a 1200 calorie diet. I am on a 1740 calorie a day limit, and have found it a challenge a few day's. I eat mostly low fat, baked, steamed. Nothing fried, and very limited on the fats in my diet. To tell you the truth, I don't think I would be a very pleasant person on a 1200 calorie a day diet! LOL!

    For those of you that do it, that's great! Just not sure how you do it. I exercise alot, and also am pretty muscular. I am losing weight and feel good at where my calorie limit is. I eat breakfast, lunch and dinner with added snacks.

    Just would love to hear from others on this subject......

    i am on a 1200 cal diet and its hard for me to eat that much. the days i've done it i forced myself to or either i ate something that day i shouldn't have that was loaded with calories. i can usually only eat about 1000 or less. how do i do it? its not that i'm trying to do anything, its jus that i can't eat that much. if i eat one large lunch a day i can't eat anything else for the rest of the day because it just sits on my stomach and i'm not hungry until the next day. so i've tried just breaking it up into smaller meals throughout the day but that hasn't worked either, whatever i eat just sits on my stomach for hours which causes me not to be hungry for the next meal. i've always been that way so i dont worry about trying to get in 1200 cals a day if i dont hit it. i just eat when im hungry and make sure its not junk food.
  • Ilysandrew11
    Ilysandrew11 Posts: 133 Member
    To lose 2 pounds a week I am at 1340....I have cut a lot of things from my diet and my snacks are pretty much 90-100 calories. When I first started this it was pretty hard to hit 1200 but I am learning to become more leniant and just portion whatever I want to eat :)
  • I'm usually at 1,200 calories by 1-2PM! I have no idea how some of you guys do it!! I'm just tooooo hungry, all the time I guess.

    Anyways, I usually net 2800-3200 calories.

    Maybe I am not losing weight as quickly as I "should"... but I'm happy. I get to eat.And who doesn't love to eat, right??

    Although I guess it would be kind of nice to save money since I spend so much on food!!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    ridiculous the amount of guys on such low cals :noway:

    I'm averageing about 3300-3500 at the moment and aiming to gain 1lb per week. (currently 181lbs)
  • peachyxoxoxo
    peachyxoxoxo Posts: 1,178 Member
    I eat 1900 kcal a day and I'm losing a pound a week.... I am soooo excited to get to bump that up after I get to my goal body fat and start focusing on building muscle again haha.
  • tehewok
    tehewok Posts: 4
    MFP originally set my calories at 1490...but I was gaining weight (not muscle, my clothes weren't fitting!) so I dropped it to 1200. I'm waiting to see if that'll make a difference.
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    I eat a little over 1800 everyday. I have a very physical job. Even besides that, my BMR is 1770 and I refuse to eat less than my BMR.
  • kaotik26
    kaotik26 Posts: 590 Member
    Before I started loosing weight I ate around 3000 a day. Now I'm set at 1350 but usually stay under that and can't figure out how I fit all that in my stomach! I stop at the end of the day and only at 1100 and can't find anything I want to eat. I guess you get used to it. I started out being cranky but now I'm fine!
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    Per my friend who is a biochemist, and whom I trust and has helped me lose 43# to-date:
    TO LOSE weight, a person should be eating their weight +0, so I'm at 170 now so I eat 170+0 = 1,700 cals a day to LOSE.. I also eat back at least 60% of my exercise calories.. now this doesn't happen all the time but I always eat at least 1700 a day. I lose 1-2 pounds a week. I'm a happy person at this number and I like the person I'm becoming =)

    First-Shawna you have a darling profile pick and started a great thread, thanks!

    Re; above quote-I don't think your formula works for everyone. Maybe if you are in close range of your goal. Per MFP, to lose my net calories should be 1200 and my BMR is 1600, creating a deficit. If I eat my weight +0 I would be above my BMR and putting on weight. I am middle aged and sedentary, averaging 1400-1500 calories with exercise calories added back is resulting in a slow loss rate in areas like my midsection.

    I also don't think this would work for me. I'm 229. So 229+0=2290... that would be too much for me. Unless, I DON'T eat back my exercise calories. I'd rather go on a low end and eat my exercise calories back.