

  • I know I'm a bit older at 28, but I'm really looking for others like me who want to lose weight and will post feedback at least twice a week. I have added others who said that's what they wanted as well, but only 1 replies with feedback (even something so small as "congrats" or "nice!" or "you can do it" is incredibly…
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    in Dear... Comment by Nerelda February 2012
  • Dear MFP friends, We are here to motivate EACH OTHER. I am not your personal motivator. Would it really kill you to put up a comment now and then with words of encouragement or even just "congrats!"? Really?
    in Dear... Comment by Nerelda February 2012
  • Found one twin here already, posting for more! I just re-started last week after having lost a ton of weight and gained it all back. SW: 180 CW: 176 GW: 125-130 Age: 29 H: 5'2"