

  • AMAZING! What great news, thanks for sharing with us. I hope your next weigh in has similar successes! Its days like today that your motivation gets kicked back into gear isnt it?
  • That with this program I feel like i am not deprived, thus I am losing weight. I see my tummy going down, with only j10 lbs lost so far! PS... LOVE this topic! fun to hear everyones successes! :)
  • I am also on week 2, i am very motivated because i am seeing results already. I have really been pushing the excercise, tonight it killed me, but I feel fantastic afterwards. You can do this! tell us how we can help you succeed, dont give up now, your journey has only begun!
  • That is AWESOME!! Enjoy your new figure... toss the pants! Be proud of your accomplishment. I will admit... sadly I have saved lots of pants (am a size 28 now) and have down to a 20 in my closet... and 18 in shorts lol. So I wont have to buy a thing for awhile... Glad I was a hoarder haha.
  • way to go! This is a weightloss forum... and you lost weight! we all have a different path that works for each of us, and you clearly found yours. I am proud of you for saying how you feel and for doing what was right for you.
  • Great job! I loved seeing your photos, keep up the good work.. you are well on your way to your goals.
  • I did wii Tennis for 40 minutes and I think it said i burned 440 calories... more than on wii zumba? doesnt quite make sense. I think this site doesnt have a real accurate tracker for calories burned on the wii.