Wii fit. any players?

I love my wii fit. any players? I have not workout on it for a long time. And today i started again. I have notice that fitnesspal and wii fit dont say the same cal lost. has anyone notice that? whats your fav game? I love the free steps. I have the biggest loser, the wii fit plus ect.. :)


  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    I lost a good bit with Wii boxing, and then after I pulled a muscle, yoga on the Wii Fit helped me tremendously. I haven't used it in a little while, but still excellent programs.
  • jazzcait
    jazzcait Posts: 35 Member
    I have a Wii fit but haven't used it in so long, Am going to dig it out and start using it again.
  • cschu544
    cschu544 Posts: 320 Member
    I LOVE wii fit! it burns so good..
  • I always go by the calories burnt on wii fit because they are accurate to your weight. A good work out game is Just Dance 3, they have a program on it called just sweat and in about 20 minutes (if you do the dancing properly and not just move the remote) you can burn over 400 calories and its an absolute blast! I highly recommend it.
  • I did wii Tennis for 40 minutes and I think it said i burned 440 calories... more than on wii zumba? doesnt quite make sense. I think this site doesnt have a real accurate tracker for calories burned on the wii.
  • I LOVE My Wii Fit! And Wii Fit plus! I suggest a Heart rate monitor because the Wii calories burned aren't accurate!
    STARSHINE1975 Posts: 168 Member
    I did the EA Active 30 day challenge and that was consistent. Right now, I'm loving Active Life Explorer. It's so much! Indiana Jones type of play. It comes with a mat (think DDR) and you have run and jump before mummies get you or boulders crush you, My BF and I race against each other too. By the end of it, we are dripping in sweat and laughing our butts off.
  • babybellyfat
    babybellyfat Posts: 1,102 Member
    I also have EA, active, just dance 1 and 2. ect.. . I have your shape aswell with the cam but I didnt like it that much. so should i just stick with the cal that the site says even if the wii fit says more?

    I will go get just dance 3 thanks for the tip