You sound just like me! I love experimenting with food too much!
I have been struggling with binging lately. I crave food almost all day, so I'm not really sure if I can keep a log of that! lol
I've noticed these are all fruits and vegetables! Yum! :)
I love the "frozen banana trick." I've been keeping bananas in my freezer for weeks now! I just add a frozen banana, a little milk, and any other flavors to it. It's best not to refreeze though...
I should try this with the protein! :D
I'm not trying to lose weight, but I have lost some, and people keep saying things to me like: - You don't need to lose any more weight! - You need to eat more! - Your head is too big for your body! - Did you have weight loss surgery? - Are you taking diet pills? - What is your secret? Why won't you tell me the truth to…
I had no cravings, but then I had a taste of junk food. It was all downhill from there....
I really crave junk food and chocolate a few days before my period starts. A day or two before, I the cravings die down just a little. It's hard to find enough of anything to satisfy me. I don't think I really gain weight though. I know that working out, good nutrition, and not too much caffeine helps me from cramping as…
I really crave junk food and chocolate a few days before my period starts. A day or two before, I the cravings die down just a little. I don't think I really gain weight though. I know that working out, good nutrition, and not too much caffeine helps me from cramping as much. Water is definitely good too!
I ditched Facebook a few months ago. I am on here way more than I was on there. I'm addicted to this site even though I don't really know anyone on here. It's sad that so many people rely on communicating through Facebook instead of in real life. If you don't have it, sometimes you are just left out. The way I see it, if…
Yes! I always do it on the days that I will be out of the house for around 15 hours or so...(I take the food with me those days). It's the days that I do no plan ahead that cause me to eat things I shouldn't!
The more you weigh, the more you will lose. I also do no recommend trying to lose too much a week. It's not the best for your body, and your skin may sag more after you lose the weight. "Slow and steady wins the race!"
I see a difference! You're doing great! :)
You CAN do it on your own, but it is much more challenging. It is important to have support and motivation from others. There are lots of us on here to help!
I'm a fan of unsweetened almond milk. It has twice the calcium as dairy and zero sugar! :)
You go girl! :D
Thanks, everyone! I have been overweight since I was in middle school (I am age 26 now). I blame the binging of puddings, Little Debbie snacks, candy, and sodas! I obviously have a sweet tooth. It wasn't until a few years ago that I started losing weight, which included cutting wayyyy back on sugary items. I still feel…
I also wear multiple bras when working out. Whenever I do jumping jacks or run, I tend to hold myself! lol I obviously shouldn't do this in public...
Wow, it feels great for everyone to be so motivating. Everyone posting these comments just inspires and motivates me even more. Thank you so much. Everyone on MFP is just so encouraging. I know that everyone on here can achieve what they set out to overcome. If I can do it, so can you!
I assume it took a year to lose 95% of it before I hit my plateau. I walked/ran a lot, danced around my room like a fool, lifted some small weights (or cans of food), and used a friend's workout video (Body Bootcamp - Abs, Buns, and Thighs). I did not pay for a gym membership or join some food plan. I was just determined!…
I was very dedicated to working out then! I walked/ran in the mornings for a couple of miles, ate a lot of vegetables, worked out at night, and learned moderation. I'm trying to get back into that mindset now. I, somehow, kept it off all these years. I have really strayed--eating lots of junk food, not working out, etc.…
:blushing: These pictures were before I joined MFP. At 5'6, my before photos were probably around 220 pounds (size 18) and my after photos are around 150 pounds (size 8).
That's awesome! I wish my parents would do that! They cook extremely unhealthy foods, binge drink, and smoke a ton of cigarettes. I don't know what I can do to help...
I love the bold wasabi and soy almonds. They are very addictive to me. Actually, all almonds are very addictive. I don't think I should buy them. I have too trouble with almond-moderation. I tried to use baggies and use individual servings, but they just don't make it to the bag!
It's my newest addiction. It's the only site I visit regularly!
Awesome! Your hard work has paid off! I always love seeing before and after pictures. I am not even sure if I have any before photos...
Umm... I guess my last post wasn't exactly MOTIVATING, but you're not in it alone!
I'm with you! I have been so hungry the past two days. I haven't gone longer than two hours without eating (unless I am sleeping, of course). I'm not sure if it's because it's suddenly colder or what it is. I know I have been more tired lately too, but then again, I've haven't gotten as much sleep as I was getting the past…
Same here! I don't know anyone on here, so I could use new friends as well! :)
Congrats! Good luck on boot camp! You'll be so proud of yourself after doing it -- it's rough! lol