

  • this sounds amazing! I do all kinds of things to mine: I usually add just a little lite mayo, then either lemon, sweet relish, apple and onion or a little lite mayo then mango chutney (I know it sounds weird, but I swear it is good!)
  • "Eat to live, don't live to eat." :) Food shouldn't be your main source of pleasure-- eating is just what you need to do to keep you going during all your other important and fun tasks :).
  • I understand where you're coming from-- I'm struggling with the same thing. You can see all my ribs in the back and front of my body (even between my breasts), my hip bones stick out and you can even see my veins in my stomach and arms. Yet I still feel huge and disgusting. I feel like my butt and thighs are massive. I…
  • YES!!! These are sooooo good! I also like trident tropical because it's good for blowing bubbles. :)
  • I haven't read her book but I LOVED her show on bravo--:). Let me know what you think!
  • My boyfriend and I have been together for 5 years, and the honeymoon phase hasn't ended in many ways. I make him lunch everyday and always write him little notes. I'll randomly buy him flowers or chocolate. We are both very polite to eachother-- we don't let ourselves get passive aggressive or take eachother for granted.…
  • The curry tuna one sounds AMAZING!!! I will definitely try it. :)
  • I love her show. I find her very inspiring. Every time I want to cheat I just think of her getting mad at me, lol.
  • My list ( some of it is pretty embarassing, but what can you do)-- Welcome to the Jungle and Paradise City-- Guns n' Roses Born to Run-- Bruce Springsteen Lollipop-- 2ne1 and Big Bang You shook me all night long-- ACDC Superman-- Eminem Pour Some Sugar on Me-- Def Leppard Dancing Queen-- ABBA Eye of the Tiger (we all have…
  • I haven't been doing her program daily, but I've been doing the dvd about 4 times a week-- and I have to say that it's probably the most effective workout I've ever had in my life. I saw results almost immediately, and it's targeted areas that nothing else has been able to fix. I heartily recommend it!! Good luck guys :)
  • I always let myself take 2 days off (w/dieting and exercising) during my period-- then when it's started to chill a bit I get back into it. Don't beat yourself up too much about it. :)
  • My dad has suffered from celiac his whole life but didn't find out til he was 50-- he was experiencing so many health issues at that point that doctors thought he had AIDS. Over time, if undiagnosed it can wreak havoc on your system. The good news is (and it's very good news!!) you have caught your sons very early on so he…
  • Good luck to you!! Great job stopping purging! :)
  • I struggle with it myself. I try to think of times in my life when I want people to see me as thin-- like on the first day of class, going home to visit my family, at the beach, etc. I think to myself, "I want to lose X lbs by X date," and then when I feel like snacking I remember that particular goal-- and I think of how…
  • You rock!! That is so inspiring-- good for you!! :)
  • Thanks! Ok! As long as I can get the caffeine somehow I'll make it! :)
  • Thanks everyone-- great advice. Karenecunnignha, that's very interesting-- maybe if I can just push through the first week of feeling really low energy my body will get used to the diet and it won't be so bad after a little more patience. I've heard something similar with fasting-- the first 3-5 days are murder but after…
  • Weirdly, the whole "starvation making you hold on to weight" thing hasn't happened to me-- I really have found the less I eat the more I lose... so that's not a part of my problem. I can approximate how much protein/fat/carbs I eat-- I generally eat approximately 150 grams in carbs, 15-20 grams of fat, 100 grams of…
  • I often experience the same problem of constipation when I'm making a lifestyle change. Which is odd, because I tend to eat a ton of fiber! 2 things that seem to have helped in the past are kombucha tea (for the probiotics) and yoga... Hopefully we can all solve this!
  • smart idea to write down WHEN you graze... that way you can really focus during those times!
  • Yeah, I have the same problem. I always over indulge when I'm super stressed (like when I'm up all night studying for a midterm) and because I know I'm indulging somewhat I feel like I need to REALLY indulge since I've already gone over my calorie count. It's a really hard mentality to break. I try to have as many healthy…
    in DEFEATED Comment by hannah_lin July 2010
  • Yay!! Good for you!! :) I agree about the good fats-- olive oil, avocado, etc. It's not easy to afford those foods when you're trying to lose, but they're super good for you! Also maybe throw in some extra dark chocolate....:)
  • I personally have to be very careful about overdoing it w/ any muscle building in order to keep my measurements small-- I definitely feel like I look bigger when I work out more. But, I also do get better definition... so it's kind've a tradeoff. :)
  • thanks guy! those all sound like great options-- i've been afraid to let low-fat sour cream in the house (i'm afraid i'll start putting it in everything) but maybe i'll give it a shot. :)
  • This is something I can definitely improve on. I will really focus on this for the next few days and see how that goes!! :) Thanks!
  • On a positive note, I have been losing like crazy though!!!
  • I have to fold my yoga mat over 4 times because of my pokey hips and I still get bruises when I do floor work!! I feel your pain.:-P
  • I've neve tried this before!! Where do you buy the spaghetti squash?
  • I wish I had some good advice... but I struggle with the same problem. My advice for the future is don't eat as many fat cals and try to eat more protein and fiber-- they are much more filling than fat.
    in Hungry Comment by hannah_lin June 2010
  • Wow, you look AMAZING!!!