BeeDucky Member


  • I'm praying too. God hears our prayers. May He send peace, comfort, and rest to you Amanda. And may He bring healing to Carl. I hope you hear something soon.
  • 35 lbs. is HUGE! And so is your attitude. Keep up the good work in your beautiful new attire. I think you'll have a cheering squad to accompany you, if not physically...spiritually, next time you dance into that store at goal weight, singing the theme from Pretty Woman. You should, because you are. And your husband…
  • I'm Hypo too. Have been for many years. And yes, it's a little tougher to lose weight and keep it off. But it is doable. Like everyone else who wants to lose weight, we have to eat healthy and exercise. No trick to it. And above all else, we can't allow ourselves to use our thyroid condition as an excuse. I lost 50 pounds…
  • Looks like you got a lot of sound advice here. Lots of people care about you and are offering support. If I remember correctly, college campuses have lots of buildings and classes in those buildings and seldom two classes back to back in the same building. All that means lots of walking. Walking is a great exercise even…
    in HELP!! Comment by BeeDucky May 2013