rewarded myself by being humiliated....



  • mylittletribe
    I'm so sorry this happened to you :(

    I have a friend who runs, and I ask her everything first. In case you're wondering, for compression gear, CW-X is the best for quieting the jiggly jig, or so my friend tells me. Never mind that it's SUPER EXPENSIVE, she swears it's worth it, but I won't spring for a pair until I go down another size.

    FWIW, I have had good luck with Asics compression shorts. And whichever brand that Target sells? Not half bad considering the price.

    Keep your chin up, head high, and Pretty Woman the hell out of that *kitten* when you get to GW.
  • llangstraat
    llangstraat Posts: 130 Member
    You should seriously write a yelp review and call a manager. maybe even submit a compaint on the Sport Authority website. Unacceptable.

    Great idea on submitting a yelp review ^^^^^^ and also post it on their facebook page if they have one. Sorry you were humliated but am also glad that you were treated with respect at their competition and actually got a NSV out of the deal. Sounds like you have an awesome hubby!
  • chunkydunk714
    chunkydunk714 Posts: 784 Member
    SAH, i just want to point out that there are people who get a holier than thou ''for their own good'' kick out of being toxic. they self justify self important cattiness by pretending they're trying to help. they're not. and they're almost always wrong.

    pity them for feeling the need to behave that way and for being too blind acknowledge their own vindictive motivations.

    Well said...

    To the OP, no you are not being overly sensitive ..I would have felt the same way. Ignore the negativity on here, or try to.....they have nothing else better to do than to pour their low self esteem upon others.
  • dolphinie13
    dolphinie13 Posts: 50 Member
    I'm so sorry you were treated like that--that is completely unreasonable and way to bring down your awesome NSV. I would actually put this entire letter on the Sports Authority facebook page. (not to nitpick, but paragraph breaks will make it a little easier to read). If you're not comfortable doing that, maybe a short summary.

    I've found that often, corporate will contact you to find out about your experience and try to make it right. I used to work in customer service and we would have been horrified to see a customer treated that way (what's even better is that you're able to show them clearly that they lost your business since you went to D-ick's.)

    I very much agree that you should vent on all their corporate pages, google reviews, BBB, etc. This company needs to know that it's not okay to treat customers this way. If this man was a manager, then he should be fired. Even if he was just a regular store clerk, he should still be fired.

    I'm so sorry that you had to deal with that crap. You didn't deserve it, no one does! I'm all fired up about this because social justice must be had. It's time for people to stand up and own responsibility for the things they say and the way they treat people!
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    OP- I'm stokefesting for you that you have such an amazing husband!!! Hells to the yeah! With a partner like that, ain't nothing gonna get you down!

    And I know how you feel. When I was bigger, I felt the eyes, but I ignored and continued on doing my thing. And then I got skinny. Now I get different eyes, but I always notice the bigger girls and I always wanna cheer for them and say "I was just like you three years ago! I didn't quit and it was soooooo worth it!"
  • misscristie
    misscristie Posts: 643 Member
    Dude was a total a$$hat for sure. I don't know where you live, but my recommendation is to find a Luke's Locker or a Run On! if you have one near you. I went to both when I was 300+ pounds and didn't get a roaming eye or a flinch :)

    Best of luck to you and always remember, Karma's a b!tch!

    ETA: And your husband is the BOMB!!
  • GCPgirl
    GCPgirl Posts: 208 Member
    Sorry you had to deal with such ignorance. They should know how their employees treat people.

    Here is their headquarters and a list of their Board of Directors:

    1050 W Hampden Ave, Englewood, CO 80110

    I am also the type of person who tells people they are doing a great job and would tell your story to ****'s Sporting Goods.
    345 Court St, Coraopolis, PA 15108

    You are doing great and it is wonderful that your husband is a great support!
  • BeeDucky
    BeeDucky Posts: 4 Member
    35 lbs. is HUGE! And so is your attitude. Keep up the good work in your beautiful new attire. I think you'll have a cheering squad to accompany you, if not physically...spiritually, next time you dance into that store at goal weight, singing the theme from Pretty Woman. You should, because you are. And your husband deserves the Supportive Hubby award and an extra hug for encouragement. Great Job
  • dwalt15110
    dwalt15110 Posts: 246 Member
    Maybe someone already said this, but Sports Authority has a Facebook page. You want results? Post your complaint on their facebook page. Guaranteed you will hear from them in 15 mionutes. Just click on their facebook link from their website and write away.
  • mercurysfire
    mercurysfire Posts: 144 Member
    don't worry about that creep. i've never had a good experience at sports authority ever at any weight. and really i don't know anyone who has. it's a crap company- seriously. i'm not sure how they are even still around. one day they won't be. but your experience mirrors mine and i'm sure a lot of other people's as well. don't take it personally (eaier said than done, I know). it was that one guy. and you can't let some random disgrunted crappy sporting goods store employee drag you down. you're worth a lot more than that. you've been working hard, you deserve your reward and you deserve to feel a mile high for getting as far as you have. KEEP GOING!!!

    i love ****'s. i had a great experience there as well buying my first ever properly fitted running shoes. :) i was very excited. it was a present from my dad for losing so much and being able to keep it off for so long. (this is a record for me.) keep it up- there's many many more rewards in store for you for taking care of your health. :drinker:
  • kittenkris
    kittenkris Posts: 112
    Wow! We once had a horrific ordeal with sports authority. A manager used the F word in reference to my children and LOUD enough for both them and my husband to hear. They supported the manager when we asked to talk to his higher up. They were both men in their 40s.
    Sports authority will not last treating their customers that way. My husband took his wallet elsewhere and we no longer shop there.
    They were wrong and need to learn rule number one. The customer is ALWAYS right.

    Enjoy your work out clothes. You earned them. :)
  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    Thankfully you have a good enough head on your shoulders that you didn't let go of the new found confidence you had over an inconsiderate jerk. I personally would have told my husband, but thats mostly because he has an obnoxious side that would have ruined the manager's day and probably made me feel better :) Its not the most mature thing in the world, but if I walk into a store and my only thought is wanting to purchase sports equipment so I can lose some weight/train/be fit/hang them on my wall so people think I work out... who cares, I don't think I deserve to leave feeling like crap.... so I'm not going to.
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    to the OP: you have a wonderful and supportive husband, but first off--well done on your weight loss so far! don't let the haters bring you down. just keep on truckin. you're the "bigger" person here--and i mean that figuratively, not literally!
  • sweetslover22
    sweetslover22 Posts: 11 Member
    glad your got what you were looking for i know where you are coming from,I too had an experience in that field except it was in jeans expos, I asked do they carry a size 18,the girl looked at me and said no we only carry reg size clothe and the biggest is a 16. I felt so bad ,my friend could tell i was upset and so she said ,don't worry Amanda, well find you a pair of jeans and don't have to feel bad about the sizes. i did get 2 pairs after! :). after when i came back the next yr a asked for a 16 and they were more then glad to help me,but i didn't buy any lol. I went to Wal-mart instead :P lol. P.s way to go on your achievement!! :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • dbrightwell1270
    dbrightwell1270 Posts: 1,732 Member
    If you are still bothered and want to make it known to sports authority, here is the contact info I found: 1.800.360.8721 or email:
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    I'm not one to push stores because you can always find crappy service in even the best of places, but across the board I have found almost every employee helpful at D-ick's.

    Anyway, I am so sorry someone would treat you like that, but I feel more sorrow for the person who would treat someone else like that. They must have serious issues themselves to feel such a compelling needs to feed their emptiness by treating someone else like crap.
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