ShyCat Member


  • Keep those calories up as you're trying to do! I am not an expert, but have long heard that if you take in too few, your body will go into "starvation mode" and not burn calories as readily as it would otherwise. I'm sure there are people here who could verify if that's the case. All that to say that if you cut too far…
  • Just under 5'2" and just under 60 yrs old. Goal now is 110-115, as I'm 136 lbs now and it looks & feels like just too much on my frame. About 10 yrs ago I was super motivated & got down to 102, and at that point didn't feel good. A few pounds more at about 105-8 I felt much better -- those few pounds mean more for us…
  • Cat haiku is *genius!*
  • I don't know about the "syndrome" but suggest you find a very knowledgeable and credentialed yoga teacher -- you will be shown how to stretch out the *front* of you -- imagine the place between your torso and thigh you "fold" if you sit, or lift your knee as if marching. Many times back aches will be due to tightness in…