drewdizzle Member


  • I did it for 2 rounds and then 1 round insanity and lost 70 lbs. That was a year ago. I have gained back a few since then. It works well if you have the diet that goes with the exercise. I am going to push play tonight and try to burn off some of that Halloween candy lol.
  • My suggestion is to measure your body in order to see progress. At your weight you may not see much weight come off but you may see inches off your waist at first. Even though your doing lean P90x is a strength building program so you will be gaining lean mass as well as burning fat. I have done P90x and insanity since the…
  • I just got over the 200 barrier a few weeks ago. It was a huge feat and feeling of success. Stay motivated! It is hard for me to stay motivated sometimes too. I just keep reminding myself that if I have a minor setback, there is always tomorrow and if I stay diligent I can keep pushing myself past that point of where I…