

  • Hey meowstrom! This past year was when I finally started caring about my physical fitness as it affects my cosplay. I personally don't go for an extreme get-ready-for-convention-X, but I use the idea of cosplay as a long-term motivator to look better. The way you're looking at it, i.e. setting a goal over several months,…
  • I saw that too XD
  • Hi all! I attended Anime Boston and Granite State Comicon so far this year (both as the Ottoman Doctor from AC:Revelations). I'll be going to ConnectiCon and Another Anime Convention as well!
  • Here's my recently-made Cosplay.com page! http://www.cosplay.com/member/310590/costumes/ I have a few other costumes under my belt (FFI's Thief, Ganondorf, Naruto's Shikamaru, Mononoke's A****aka), but sadly photos of those have been lost in the past :(
  • Hey, I'm Chris. I'm a drummer, started ~2008 (I'm 24 now - late bloomer!). I'm in a hard rock band that keeps me working on my skills (A Simple Complex, in New England). In middle school I played two years of clarinet, but that's long forgotten. I also have very little experience with piano/keyboard (self-experimenting)…
  • My dream goals are more based on the difficulty in making it rather than my ideal figure. Having said that, getting in better shape definitely helps for these! Quarian suit (Mass Effect 3) Blattaria (Gilgamesh)
  • ( Hi everyone, just joined the group! I'm friends with Haru and Mo :D ) I think I end up eating less during a con weekend. In the past I've resorted to two standard meals at whatever fast food they got nearby. I haven't been to a con since I started dieting (November), so I guess I need a plan for Anime Boston. I expect to…