Mich170 Member


  • Thank you, thank you, thank you to sleepytexan!!! I was just prescribed synthroid 25mcg and have not picked it up yet. I'd seen naturalpath's previously and I DO believe in their ability to heal with natural remedies. I'd forgotten about it until I read your review of synthroid and your advice to go natural. I've been…
  • Hi Breezy59, So sorry to hear you're dealing with this cancer. My sister had also fought cancer and taught me so much about the need for a different diet. She had appointments with multiple specialists in functional medicine. I just purchased a cookbook on Amazon: Quick and easy Ketogenic Cooking. I make bone broth soup…
  • Hi ladies, I am also back after several months of hiatus. I have a goal to lose 60 lbs. I too, would really like to meet others for encouragement to scale this mountain.
  • I've been doing water aerobics and my arms are getting so toned. You may lose fat on your arms as you lose weight, however, if you want to 'Say goodbye to the bye bye arms" you need to do exercises with weights.