

  • ....So u have decided on a small triathlon- it is 4 months away so hopefully i can get myself into shape ready for the big day :-)
  • Well done- as they say... exercise can be ADDICTIVE- it sets of andorphines in us that makes us feel reat- i even workout if im not feeling well- it makes me feel better... weird huh? Good work- just remember it takes 3 weeks to start a new habit- so keep this up. i have been using MyFitnessPal for 5 months now and even…
  • All i can say is THANK GOODNESS this is normal- i have been feeling this as well and no-one else seems to understand it :-( Its an awful feeling but obvisously 'normal' I notice it in my clothing and by peoples comments but to look in the mirror- totally different story.. feel like i will NEVER get down to a size that I'M…
  • Nope- i Record everything- and if im over my calorie count for having a splurge i ensure that the next day i behave- i rarely splurge but if i do i ensure i also burn it off the next morning. i think not calculating it is like cheating but your only cheating yourself- you learn how many calories you can eat and how it…