Why isn't sweating listed as a cardio exercise, when I feel like I'm losing weight just sitting in my 90 degree house?
Where are the older gals? Get on here and help us chickies out! [ The symptoms don't go away when the periods stop. (Sorry to say.) [/quote] What???? They better freakin' go away! I refuse to be old and moody. Tell us the good things about Men-no-pause (to look at me any more).
Chicken can be kind of inflammatory. Are you buying organic? Maybe you should switch to grass-fed beef or fish for your protein. Or maybe with all that water, you have thrown off your electrolyte balance. How about a little salt on those veggies? Also, I'm about 5'6'' (slightly taller), and I feel curvy at 150, healthy at…
I'm so fat, my back has a six pack, like leut_underpa's stomach above.
I know I'm a noob, but what is NSV? I tried to google it and came up with No Scalpel Vasectomy and Nuclear Service Vessel, but I bet those aren't it... Is it New Size Va-voom?
Maybe you're a downtime eater and you don't want to be "aware" during your downtime. Maybe you want to escape? Is there a way to escape without food? Maybe you can think of lots of ways to give yourself treats (massages,"guilty-pleasure" movies, time set aside for an absorbing, beloved hobby) without food, so you can…