lf4179 Member


  • I agree with Chaiya.
    in Question Comment by lf4179 May 2014
  • I'm a SAHM so oddly I have every day off but never a day off. lol. We went shopping today. No exercise for me on the weekend but now I am really wishing I did cuz we went out to eat and I really overdid it.:mad:
  • I did 3 new workouts. One was 35 min and the other were both 10 min each. I am going to try to fit a new one in everyday even if it is just a short one after a longer one.
  • ChaiyaChaiya2 - Awesome accomplishment!!
  • Les68cn- Good luck on your weigh in! I often go over my mfp calorie goal but I kinda have a different one in my head cuz I think the mfp one is a tad low. Lol. I figure anything under maintenence is a good start though!
  • I found that is what is so different about me this time.... the patience. (I have had 3 kids) I have somehow come to accept that this might take some time even though I don't have tons to lose. I always just expected it to come off quick. I would do great for 6 weeks and be frustrated to not be at my goal and give up. This…
  • Great job on all the walking! I would be tired too. lol. I am excited to start the week off using my new kettlebell atleast 3x this week. Not sure about the other 2 yet. Might do some of my good 'ol standby videos.
  • I decided to make my weigh in day Monday. I updated the sheet with my 2.2 lbs lost this week. A total of 20 lbs so far for me, YAY! I don't expect next week to be as much because this past week was my "take it easy" week and this week I will be back to exercise M-F. I never seem to lose much those weeks and I have no idea…
  • Yeah I remember thinking I was doing good pregnant and looked pretty good. Not so much afterwards.:ohwell: lol. Just keep working on it!:smile:
  • From what I understand we can weigh in whenever our normal weigh in day is for that week/time frame and then log it. So by the end of that week, everyone should have weighed in. I weigh everyday so I just decided to pick Tuesday as my weigh in day. Can't wait to see the progress we have made!:happy:
  • Hi guys! Last night we got pizza and breadsticks for dinner. I ate 2 pieces of pizza and 3 breadsticks. I was amazed at how full I was. I could have done with less but I like food too much. However I was over my calorie goals but under maintenance so I figure I still did pretty good since yesterday was a no exercise day.…
  • Go to "MY HOME" Click on Profile THen you will see "My Progress" and under it, it will say to "add to your site" or Personalize your ticker" Then you can pick how you want it to read in the guided steps. :happy:
  • I had mine out the day before New Years and I have had no issues. I actually feel SOOOO much better since it came out but I will admit I was very nervous. The weight that I have lost so far shown in my ticker has all been since it came out. Probably slower than most but I am also hypothyroid. I will totally agree w/ the…
  • ChaiyaChaya2 - Thanks for the extra website tip! I am always looking for new workouts. I completely relate to the old dvd's getting a little....well....old. lol. I feel the same about never getting bored w/ the website I am using because there are SO many to choose from and you can do a search to make it exactly what you…
  • I used to HATE water! lol. My husband used to tell me I was dehydrated all the time because I never drank it. Now it is all I drink. I don't really care for it one way or the other but I don't mind it. The only time I drink anything different is if I go out to eat I get a strawberry lemonade or milk w/ a desert which is…
    in Day 1 :) Comment by lf4179 April 2014
  • Can't figure out how to edit my post but I also like the planking and seeing how much you can progress throughout the week. As for food challenges, I tend to eat whatever I want as long and I am under my calorie goal so not sure how good I would be at them. I eat mostly clean but I do have some goodness from time to…
  • I was thinking along these lines too. X number of jumping jacks or squats etc.
  • This is the first time I have ever participated in a group but I think this would be a great idea.:happy:
    in Hello there Comment by lf4179 April 2014
  • Hi. I would like to join.:smile: 20 lbs is about what I have left to lose. I am a mom of 3. I admit I do weigh in daily but I will report here once a week so as not to drive others crazy w/ my unhealthy relationship I have with my scale. I have been at this for 90 days now and am eager to see what the next 90 days brings…
    in Hello there Comment by lf4179 April 2014
  • I am 5'5" and 147 right now. I would love to get down to 125. The closest I ever got once after my 2nd child was 127 and I know I still wanted to lose a tad more. I think I would be happy at 125 but if not I can't think any less than 120. As for time frame, I have been at it for 85 days so far (so roughly 3 months) and I…
  • Hi... I am hypo also and understand your frustrations. I have tried many times to lose weight the right way by exercising and eating right and have a hard time. Last time I tried at the same time as my mother in law and she was losing weight all the time but not me. This time around, I am just plain determined. I finally…
  • So I use the 440 calories that MFP has and hope that it isn't giving me too much credit or should I put less in for it? What would you do? ....Man, I really need to get the chest strap one. I will be interested to see what difference it gives me.
  • Next to the 1/2 cup is says 88g. So I will aim for that next time I weigh. Thanks and sorry for stupid questions. I am still new at this. lol.
  • Ok. Thanks all. I will give this a go and see how it works out for me. :)
  • Originally I set it to sedentary but then I moved it to lightly active (or whatever the next step up was) since I noticed that I am always busy doing housework or something. At the end of the day I think about how I have hardly sat all day long.
  • I hope we get it figured out. Looks like we have the same goals :)
  • I have a watch that has the Heart rate monitor on it but I don't know how accurate it is. I try to go in between what my treadmill says, MFP says and my watch says. I plan on looking into one w/ a chest strap. Just no money for it right now.