DONNA10044 Member


  • I had heart and lung tx 7 yrs ago and weight has been a constant battle with the prednisone keeping it and trying to lose the 30 PDs I have put on it just won't go it's almost like metabo shut down :(
  • Hi congrats on your transplant, I received a heart/lung tx in dec2004 also have trouble with the dreaded prednisone I was managing it at just 15 PDs until I was 3yrs out then I got pregnant and gained another 40 :/ I I got rid of 25 PDs pregnancy weight but still stuck with 15 of plus the original 15 I want so despRtly to…
  • Yeah that prednisone weight is very very stubborn :/ thanks I didn't know about them I will ck them out. So glad to meet you :)