
Hi thier my name is Donna I am a 37 year old mother of a beautiful 3 year old i am trying to lose weight which is being very difficult a little of my history this weight problem thing is new to me about i never had any problems with weight until after i turned 30 and i had a heart and double lung transplant and the started taking the prednisone im 5 ' 7 and weighed 140 pds before prednisone i gained 45 pounds within six months of transplant thankfully i had lost 25 pounds right after surgery from being so sick but eventually i got up to 160 pounds before i started leveling out and i had to monitor everything.

In 2007 i became pregnant with my first child who i thought i would never have and it was tough being pregnant after transplant but i made it through and although he was born two months early he is healthy and almost four now and the joy of my life but of course with pregnancy came more weight i gained forty pounds which i have lost 25 of it within the year after he was born but have since not been able to get the other 15 pound offs or the addttional 20 pounds i gained after transplant i can say my transplant has been a success i am although heavier more healthy then i have ever been and i am very grateful for that.

Being post translant and trying to lose weight is extremly difficult becuase of the meds i take if you dont have enough food they make you sick and predinisone well what can i say about prednisone if you have ever took it you know what im saying lol.

The Meds also made me anemic so any type of vigerous excersize is out get to out of breath and dizzy and massive miagraines
i went and seen the dietician over a year ago becuase my transplant team concerened with my cholestral also attrubuted to the meds and the weight gain not helping they want me to lose at least 20 pounds of course i wanna lose the whole 40, but i follwoed the 1200 calorie plan and still have the weight i went down to 165 at one point but could never get below that and gained it back.

so i m here to try again and maybe get some helpful hints becuase i wanna extend my life as long as possible to be here for my son. thank you for listening


  • msqdpie
    msqdpie Posts: 92 Member
    Wow, what an Amazing Story, Welcome! You are welcome to add me if you'd Like, Thanks
  • Maputi
    Maputi Posts: 49 Member
    Welcome! Your story is inspiring. As challenging as your journey has been, you have had a number of inspiring successes (e.g. a healthy baby and some weight loss).

    I had a kidney transplant in December, 2010. In 17 months (8 on peritoneal dialysis and 9 post transplant) I have gained 43 pounds and I have yet to lose a pound. I am still taking lots of anti-rejection drugs, including prednisone; but your success tells me that EVENTUALLY :-) I should see some weight loss.

    I have been training for a half-marathon to be held on 11/27/11, and I still have not loss. Everyone of my non-transplant friends that have been training with me have all lost weight; so I keep saying that is really my weight and eventually it will start to come off.

    BTW, if you have not seen them, check out the Mini Challenges. They are a good way to get in some exercise whenever you can.
  • DONNA10044
    DONNA10044 Posts: 5 Member
    Yeah that prednisone weight is very very stubborn :/ thanks I didn't know about them I will ck them out. So glad to meet you :)