9/12 - 2.3mi 9/13- 3.3mi 9/14 - 4.6mi MTD - 26.3mi Got news last week that I am pregnant with baby #7! First time I have attempted to continue exercising during pregnancy. Lots of questions for my OB next week at my appt. Here's to hoping I won't gain my usual 50+ lbs this time!
I have been terrible about "checking in" - sorry! 9/7 - 2.35mi 9/10 - 3.9mi 9/11 - 3.25 mi MTD - 16.1mi
9/4 - 1mi 9/5 - 2.35mi MTD - 6.6
9/1 - 3.25mi WTD - 3.25 MTD - 3.25 Here goes....
8/30 - 2.3mi 8/31- 6mi Total for the month - 60.7 Please put me down for 65 again in Sept.
My husband just got the Nike+ sportband - and loves it. Super simple - it tracks mileage/pace/calories, etc, but isn't really a gps. It's only $60, so if money is an issue, I would suggest it. You get to load all your info onto the Nike+ website as well.
8/27 - 2.25mi 8/28 - 1.22mi 8/29 - 2.85mi MTD - 52.4
8/22 - 3.5 mi 8/24 - 1.5mi MTD - 46.1
8/20 - 3.1 mi 8/21 - 3.3 mi MTD - 41.1
8/16 - 3.6 mi 8/17 - 5.0 mi MTD - 34.7
8/15 - 3.1mi MTD - 26.1
8/13 - 4.3 mi MTD - 23
8/10 - 2 mi 8/11 - 4.1 mi Anyone else ever taken a little break from running -maybe a week or two in hopes of enjoying it again? I've been running for about 5 miles now and feel I have gotten a bit bored with it. I'm doing some other type of cross training activity at least once a week, but my runs have become monotonous!…
8/7 - 5.25 mi 8/8 - 2.25 mi
8/4 - 3.1 mi 8/6 - 5.2 mi WTD/MTD - 12.3 mi
Thanks for the motivation everyone. Trying not to get too down!! Think I'll take the kiddos to the pool to at least get some activity in for today. Here's to hoping tomorrow is better!
Please put me down for 75 miles in August. 8/1 - 4 miles
7/30 - 2 mi MTD - 87.2 Please put me down for 75 miles for August!
7/28 - 5 mi WTD - 23.5 MTD - 85.2
7/27 - 4.5mi WTD - 18.5 MTD - 80.2
7/24 - 3.1mi 7/25 - 2.3mi 7/26 - 3.1mi WTD - 14 MTD - 75.7
7/23 - 5.5mi WTD - 5.5mi MTD - 67.2mi
You look amazing, and I love that bathing suit. Way to go!
7/21 - 6.5mi WTD - 21.7mi MTD - 61.7
7/19 - 3.2mi WTD - 15.2 MTD - 55.2
Just a small piece of advice - your running shoes should be only your running shoes - not your walking around shoes as well. Just like muscles, your shoes need a chance to "Recover" between runs as well. It will also extend the life of your shoes! The man who fitted me at a running store shared this advice with me, and…
7/17 - 6.5mi WTD - 12mi MTD - 52mi
7/16 - 5.5mi WTD - 5.5 MTD - 45.5
7/12 - 3.25 miles 7/14 - 5.5 miles WTD - 18.35
Wow, it's interesting how alcohol affects everyone so differently. Since Sunday is my only official rest day, I will have to limit my beer/wine intake to only Saturday nights. Thanks for all the input.