kholloman Member


  • I realized I had deleted protein when I added sodium on my diary. Got that fixed now. I have just bought a bunch of fresh fruit yesterday and ditched the fruit cups. Pineapple, strawberries and blueberries. As for veggies, I don't know what to eat. I like corn, peas, green beans, cabbage and not much else. Not very…
  • OK don't know what happened to the quote thing there. Sorry about that.
  • I am confused about that since I mainly do lifting and I've read that doesn't burn many calories so I don't even try to calculate those. On the days I do cardio I add it and I try to eat them back. I get stuck trying to find something to eat that has whatever I need for the day ie: something that has protein but no sugar.…
  • @IveLanded I'm a grazer by nature so what you see in my diary is spread out. I think I do pretty good on eating healthy most days but I am still learning. I am not a mathematician or a dietitian so this is going to take some time. Grams, oz,'s a bit overwhelming. I try to keep my protein higher than what's…
  • It happened to me last week. Initially it was 1.5 pounds but 2 days later it had jumped to 4.5 pounds total. Even my measurements went up! I was completely freaking out. Today I weighed (buck naked, after I peed lol) and was back to my regular weight. I think mine was due to my period and eating a ton of pizza on cheat…
  • You are so right! I hate all the logging, and trying to plan meals, grocery lists...all of it. BUT what else would I be doing? Kicked back watching tv thinking about what I would have for breakfast the next day lol. Seriously, McDonald's pancakes was a passion of mine. Instead tonight I made breakfast and lunch for…
  • My husband went to the dr's with severe poison ivy. Before looking at the rash the doctor did a circle motion around my husband's belly and said "you need to get rid of all this" Me being the good wife I am bursted out laughing but really, last I checked poison ivy affects skinny folks too!
  • This is only my second week but this is what I learned last week>>>My daily calorie goal is 1395. I earned between 400-500 from exercise. I didn't eat my calories earned and felt hungry and sick every day. The site kept warning me that I wasn't eating enough but i ignored it. To top it off I only lost 1/2 a pound! I was…