

  • I am 27 and lost 34 pounds during my last year of grad school using this site so I know what you mean. In the past 6 weeks of "enjoying my summer" I have put 5 back on and can feel it all over. ( I am 5'2" by the way) I just started logging again on this site and could use some new friends to keep me coming back on here…
  • I am turning 27 in a few months and honestly get mistaken for being around 20. Most guys that are asking me out on dates or showing an interest are 40 and above. I date them but i know most of them don't want children at this age range (if they do it's been uncommon or me) but I'm on the fence myself so that isn't a deal…
  • Thank you all for all the great advice. I just did measurements this weekend so I'm hoping to maybe take measurements every 2-4 weeks only because i tend to be numbers oriented and pictures couldn't hurt either ;-). I'm still doing my cardio every other day but have definitely have increased my weight training and I can…
  • 5 foot 1 ish" and started at 150, I'm now 120 and have been stuck. My goal is minimum of 115 and toned and then maybe 110
  • Those pictures speak volumes in all your hard work! You can do anything you put your mind to! Way to go!
  • ETA: yes "skinny" isn't the right word for what they are going for but i like the idea and I'd love to have her stomach...haha
  • I just finished my masters degree 3 weeks ago and am starting a full time job in a week or so. I lost 33lbs in my last year of school through this site though so it's really possible if you put your mind to it. I am still a 20 something though. Any and all can friend me as I'm just getting back on track to lose my last…
  • I am in on this one! I run but have been increasing speed instead of time for awhile. I am going to aim for 30 minutes of running 4 times a week. A total of 8 hours this month. :-)
  • I just finished being a full time graduate student. So between interning,classes, and working what free time I have as a substitute teacher it has been a whole lot of sitting. It's taken a drastic lifestyle change in this past year but it's been successful in I've lost 34lbs since July 1st last year, but the sitting was a…
  • I started here July 1st 26 years old at 5'2" and 152lbs. As of November I had hit 120 and am pretty satisfied I have maintained that through a full time course load of grad school. I'm now done classes and am getting back to the losing weight mode to reach about 110. But I'm pretty broad and already can feel the muscle…
  • 5'1" and currently hovering around 120. Want to make it down to 110 but I'm not making much progress past 120 as of yet.
  • I developed high blood pressure last December (2010). I heard you can get high blood pressure from being over weight so I bought an at home blood pressure monitor. I lost weight and it was still high, so then I started watching sodium (stayed under 2000mg every day) still was high. Now it wasn't super high like 140/92 but…
  • I was told by a guy back when i was in high school that I didn't need to worry about him liking me because "to be honest your no where near a model" and then about 2 years ago I was told by another guy (friend of mine) that I needed to not gain anymore weight because as of right then i was "the biggest he would go". Just…
  • I'm currently a full time grad student if that counts. Did the undergrad thing though and put on tons of weight...moved out after graduating and put on more,and starting this past summer finally had enough. I found a book at the local library called "The Dorm Room Diet" (author had Oz in the name but i forget the complete…
  • I'm 26 and have been on here for 6 months (changed profiles 3 months in) working on my last 10 pounds. Add me if you like!
  • My name is Megan and I would love this challenge. I'm at 120 lbs right now at 5'2" and want to lose the last 10 lbs before this summer! I'm doing a lot of strength training, running, and working on flexibility now which are all newer to me. But would love more people who are in my boat. to be honest I've been stuck between…
  • Hi ladies: I'm 26 and have been on here since July actually (changed profiles so my profile says later) but stared at 152 and am now at 120 trying to lose the last 10lbs to get to my goal weight. Everyone can feel free to add me, it's definitely doable and would love to make some new friends. Megan
  • I'm a graduate student and work 1 day a week so $$ is very limited. I have a $10 a month gym membership at Planet Fitness (no frills but it has equipment you need. If that isn't an option check out your local library, I know ours has work out DVD's you can rent for 3 weeks at a time. It is also nice because once you get…
  • I started at 152 (back in July) and have been stuck at 120 for over a month now trying to reach 110.
  • I'm 5'1" and started here in July at 152. I'm now at 120 and have been stuck at this weight since thanksgiving trying to reach my goal weight of 110.
  • I'll be starting my last semester of my masters in social work in January. I am taking Clinical social work in relation to mental health, nature of health and illness, and Mental Health and social policy with an additional 6 credits of internship (24 hours a week) and am still working. I miss my social life!
    in Classes? Comment by Meg_85 November 2011
  • I just changed my profile over from an old one. I started the healthy lifestyle July 1st 5'2" and was my heaviest at 152 and wanted my goal weight to be 110 (but would be happy to maintain at 120 if my body didn't let me go lower)..on my last 13 right now before i'm at goal weight. Anyone wanted to add me i'm happy to have…
  • Going on 6 years...guess i'm picky..:-/
  • Hi guys, i was sweetsapphire85 but changed my screen name. Bumping this thread so i can find this page again. Was at 127# on Thursday.
  • Amazing Work, you look great!