26 looking to lose about 30lbs. Starting at 157!



  • arbellas
    arbellas Posts: 40 Member
    Hey I'm 21 and looking to lose about 30lbs too. Around 160 right now. Don't have bbm but love to text! Feel free to add me!
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    I'll be 26 in march and started at 162. I've lost 30 lbs and working on the last 10-15. You can add me if you'd like!
  • Hi, I'm very similar - 154 pounds, and looking to lose 25. I'll add you now, and I'm going to add everyone else who replied to this post too!
  • wndfrancis
    wndfrancis Posts: 18 Member
    Hi, i'm 33 and 5'7", i'm 176 at the mo and looking to get down to 145! :bigsmile:
  • RimRK
    RimRK Posts: 96 Member
    Hey Ladies,
    I am 160 looking to also lose around 30-40 pounds:) I am a foodie! But a gym rat, so add me for motivation at the gym if you can kick my butt about my affair with chocolate:)
  • SaundraM2009
    SaundraM2009 Posts: 65 Member
    Hey! I'm 24 (turning 25 this month, gahhhhhhhhhh) and am hoping to lose another 20-25 pounds (starting at 164, goal of about 140, but we'll see how it looks). Feel free to add me!
  • I hear ya ladies!! I am 150 pounds. 5'5, 24 years old. It's time to lose at least 30 pounds!!
  • kjannan
    kjannan Posts: 248 Member
    Hi I'm 36 & had about 30lb to lose when I started on here late August last year. So far I've lost 21lb, you can do it!!

    Feel free to add me if you like, I'm on here every day & am about to reach my 140th day on here :smile:
  • CindyTatiana16
    CindyTatiana16 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi! You can do it and MFP will help! After loosing 20 pounds I need help to loose another 18. I've lost 14 pounds while using MFP. It's awesome for keeping me on track. I'm 26 as well! I'd be happy to share with you how I did it - I've changed my eating habits and gained so much so far. Message me and i'll give you my BBM pin. I'd love to share my tips if your intersted or just give support! -Cindy

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • I'm 25 and looking to lose about 20-25 lbs. I need friends too!!! :)
  • beachgirl20
    beachgirl20 Posts: 36 Member
    Hi :) I'm 30 years old and my goal is to lose 32 pounds. I'm 5'3 and I started at 162lbs and I have lost 4 pounds so far while using MFP and my current weight is 158lbs. I just joined MFP in December 2011. Anyone is welcome to add me ;)
  • Hi, I'm Michelle, I am 36 and trying to get healthier and loose 30 lbs... Looking for some buddies for motivation!!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • Hi! I'm 27 and 160 and looking to get down to 135/130! :)
  • arodriguez2
    arodriguez2 Posts: 207 Member
    Hi! I'm 28 and am at 150-156 looking to be 125-130. Feel free to add me!
  • I'm 27, just had a baby and would love to get back down to where I was in college. I still have 30 - 35 lbs to go (lost 38 lbs of preggers weight already) just need help keeping motivated sometimes. Hoping friends on here will help!
  • Meg_85
    Meg_85 Posts: 43
    Hi ladies:

    I'm 26 and have been on here since July actually (changed profiles so my profile says later) but stared at 152 and am now at 120 trying to lose the last 10lbs to get to my goal weight.

    Everyone can feel free to add me, it's definitely doable and would love to make some new friends.

  • Hi, I'm looking to lose 30 pounds myself and could definetly use some support and motivation.
    Everyone is free to add me!
    Good luck to all of you on your weight loss!
  • Hi,

    I am 23 and 151lbs at present hoping to loose 20-30lbs, feel free to add me :)
  • I'm 29, on my way to losing my last 15 pounds! Any support, tips is greatly appreciated! Been at this weight for years!!! Tired if talking about it....
  • kelly81082
    kelly81082 Posts: 59 Member
    I'm 29, 5'6 looking to lose 25-30lbs as well, anyone feel free to add me!