

  • Unfortunately, I have to withdraw from the group :( I spent the majority of my day at a dr's office getting x-rays and lab work, then on to a place to get a knee stabilizer, then on down the road for an MRI...Ortho appointment on Monday...I hate to leave the group, I was doing well at sticking to my commitment and that…
  • Weight today 258...Gained 1 lb since last week, but that is good considering what all I have ate the last 3 days...Not sure what is going on with me, its like once I ate out all I wanted was fast food and made horrible choices the next 3 days :( Will get back on track tomorrow. I had to skip working out yesterday due to…
  • I have to the modified version also. I work as hard as I can and push through all of it but I don't feel like I am working as hard as I did in Level 1. When I was done with level 1 I was out of breath, could feel my heart working hard the entire work out but it's not like that with level 2. I'm worried I might not be…
  • I am no doctor, only a student in a food and nutrition class. We learned that when people have gastric bypass surgery it affects the absorption of vitamins and minerals tremendously!! Alot of times people have to have them injected in order to obtain the benefit. When you have gastric bypass surgery your "cutting out" some…
  • I'm not sore, but I also feel like it's getting harder!! I'm not sure I will be ready for Level 2 :frown: :sad:
  • I started shredding then found this support group, I'm on day 4. I find myself able to do more of the workout, but still extremely sore. Wonder if all 10 days will be like this? Plus I swear my knees are breaking Lol But I feel awesome when I am done!! :happy: Happy shredding everyone!!
  • My starting weight is 260.4 :grumble:
  • My boyfriend and I started this morning. I dont think we knew what we were in for! LOL I can see this being a big struggle for me and would love to join others if you dont mind! :happy: