No mate, looking good, well done!
I have been around for about 2 years, reached my goal weight Xmas 2011, and don't log every day, but I like to track my exercise reports and log my food if I start to put on a couple of pounds. Call me obsessive, but it seems to work for me.
Hi This is a great idea and I would like to join you. I live in the Uk and have been hiking for at least 15 years on a really regular basis. This weekend I was in Paris, France and clocked up 24 miles on my pedometer -walking through the city and sight seeing. Yesterday I did 3 miles. At the weekend I am going to…
It sounds a bit mad, but I plan to have a glass of water after each trip to the bathroom during the day, keep it flowing ....:laugh:
Hello ladies! I am so glad to find some posts that do not include before and after underwear pictures! Can I join you? You are such a supportive group. I am 51 and live in Hampshire UK and have been using MFP for about 15 months. I hit my target weight at about 7 months, but I like to log my food if I think I am getting…
Raw broccoli and cauliflower are tasty (and full of vitamins anf iron), also have a look at the offerings at your local sald bar for ideas.
I don't teach statistics, but out of your sample of 100 you only seem to have accounted for 26??
Oatmeal is more finely ground than porridge oats, but is on the same shelf in the UK supermarket. Oatmeal is better for smoothies, prridge oats better for ... porridge. But I make a tablespoon of uncooked porridge oats with plain yogurt and frozen berries, as a portable breakfast/snack.
I have found dulcoease tablets useful, they are not a laxative as such, but 'soften' everything up (TMI). Also make sure you are drinking loads of water. Is it a high protein diet? you will need to introduce more fruit and veg ongoing.
Force yourself into a habit forming routine. Decide what time you are going to take your healthy snack in the morning and afternoon and stick to it. Your appetite will adjust to fit the routine. Grazing is not a good habit, since you cannot always guarantee having sufficient lowcal/healthy foodstuffs available.
Home-made soups are great, very nutricious, low fat and made with cheap ingredients. You can make bacon and lentil soup - dry fry off cuts or streaky bacon, a couple of rashers per person, add one chopped carrot per person, chopped broccoli stalks (save the 'flower' part for another meal), one tablespoon of lentils per…
That's fantastic! not that I am competitive or anything, but just the shove to make me get off my A**e this afternoon and get out there, see you later :laugh:
How are we all getting on? I have been ill twice in the last 3 weeks, and super busy at work and socially, so nowher near my ambitious targets, but I have tried to walk whenever I can, so not feeling too guilty. keep on going, we need those extra calorie allowances over christmas!
What a great comparison, you should be really proud.
Good job, great positive attitude, but do look after your thighs, I hope they are better now - can you get some running leggings to help with this?
Congratulations, you look great, and your kids are really cute!
That's great Bexsy, well done. Well, I laid down the guantlet, but acheived very little this week, first I was ill and now I am really busy until next weekend. Will try to get a few lunchtime walks in, but won't have time for swimming, oh well, there's always next week :wink:
Each challeng is personal, and I think a lot of it is down to how much time you have. I do my walking at lunchtime and weekends since I work full time, but I don't have any kids to look after so have more 'me' time at the weekends. Every little helps though doesn't it R
That would be 10 miles if you walk there and back every day of the week. 20 mins = 1 mile for an average speed walker I'm not doing well this week, did 4 miles on Sunday but then had gastric flu, so not up to any exercise at all at the moment, I hope to go out for a walk on sunday, but that is the start of a new…
I'm on, it's going to be tricky with loads of Xmas activities, but I reckon I can commit to 10 miles per week walking and aim for 2 swimming sessions per week (I usually do 1/2 hour per session). How about you Wordsonapage?
I am 5'10 was a size14/16 at 11st 12lb, now 10st 4 lb size 12, also size 7 feet fairly small frame, so you may need to go below 140lb to get to a size 10 I was size 10 as a youngster at about 9st 4lb, but I think sizes may have got a bit bigger over the years?
How bout a mileage challenge berween us? I don't run, but could have a target walking/swimming goal for the month...
Hi Bexsy just put it behind you and try again, starting tomorrow. Can you schedule in a run tomorrow? You could try the MN trick of planning your meals for the next few days, if you know in advance what you are going to eat I find it makes me think more about going over, so I input all my planned intake in the morning and…
Don't be depressed, you're making great progress.
Sorry! I think it is open now, thanks for your interest. :smile: