I have a tip if you live with someone else. My husband can eat anything and while he has made some sacrifices in the food department, there are still items I buy for him. Example - those little chocolate donuts. I make him count them each time he grabs them because now I know that HE knows how many are left. It shames me…
If your gym has any water aerobic type activities, you should try that as you can use the buoyancy of the water to counter any calf pain and what not. Good luck and great job!
You are still 80lbs lighter than you were last year. And if you did it once, you can do it again!!!
You should talk to your OBGYN or Primary Care doc b/c to me it sounds hormonal. If you went off birth control and started experiencing these problems, the two could be / likely are related. The birth control regulates hormones so I think that's the likely culprit. Let me know how it turns out!
Were you cutting calories before? If you were cutting too low in your cals, i think it's natural to gain because your body thinks you were starving before. Keep at it for another week and see what happens.
You are amazing and an inspiration! Keep up the good work!
Way to stay positive and be healthy. Go Bucks!
You are amazing!