Crissena Member


  • Thanks for your replies! I know it's not 100% accurate, nothing is, but the reason I wanted it was to help me with maintaining my weight loss and track my activity. I feel like it's so off, what's the use of it? I just wasn't sure if I was the only one who got such bad results...
  • @NexStar3 Yes I put all my info in and actually just checked it when I realized I gained almost 5 pounds. I have eaten around 1500 calories a day for 2 months with an occasional cheat day but even with that my Fitbit says I burn on average 2000 calories a day and normally gives me an added 200 calories for earned steps. So…
  • Mine hasn't either since the update! I've been logging onto my computer MFP and it works but I hope they fix it soon!
  • I told myself it was a journey of learning how to eat and breaking addictions. I knew that everything else had failed and that this was it, I had to make it work for me and my family!! With much prayer and being addicted to MFP :) I am 2.5 pounds away from my goal!! It feels so great to not count on a diet plan or pill to…
  • Everyone is different but I definitely say you are eating too few calories if you are under 1200. That's why MFP tells you everytime you complete your diary that you are eating too few calories, it is not good! I have lost close to 60 pounds without extreme dieting, just by eating better and less. I have used MFP the whole…
  • I also have PCOS and as long as you stay under your calories and get more active you're bound to lose weight! I am a carb~aholic and so I do have to keep myself in check with the carbs but over all I don't know that it's been any harder than someone without PCOS. 2 pounds a week is amazing and so you should be celebrating…
  • I completely agree! I've been on MFP since October of 2011 and lost 43 pounds. I've experimented with my weight loss here and there and for one month I never went over my calorie intake. I was at about 1250 calories a day. I was hardly losing anything. So I read some articles and took the advice to eat a bit more. Now I am…
  • I'm at about 1500 a day and it feels good. At first it was torture but now it is pretty easy and a way of life. I splurge one day a week, so I have something to look forward to ☺ But honestly it's never really a "splurge", my stomach has shrunk so much that it takes very little to fill me up, and really I dislike that…
  • 2 ounces of dry pasta is 5 ounces of cooked pasta. I just found that on a pasta manufacturers website ;) i know I'm kinda late on the conversation ladies but I was needing to know this tonight at spaghetti night at our house :)
  • Hi Danielle, have you ever been tested for sleep apnea?? It can cause a ton of problems, waking up feeling unrested, memory loss, weight gain, high blood pressure and so much more! I had severe headaches for years when I woke up and finally figured out that I had sleep apnea. Might not be your problem too, but never hurts…