charlestonchickk Member


  • What bothers me are the people who eat pork chops for breakfast and think that they are on a diet because they count the calories!
  • I have lost 36 pounds in 3 months after struggling for a year with no results. What did it for me was investing in a good sports watch with a monitor you wear around your chest while you exercise. (Hidden under your clothes) It will tell you exactly how many calories you burned for REAL. When you have that information, you…
  • Hey Neasha.....please add me. I would love to walk this journey with you!
  • Hi and welcome! I saw the Forks over Knives documentary and it cemented the idea for me, that this clean eating is the way to go! I am like you in that I can't say I won't ever eat meat again. I have been "Flexitarian" for about 3 months. I love it! My skin looks brighter and my memory has improved. I feel fantastic and…
  • Hey there, I totally agree with Arathena720! And...make sure you are eating enough total calories daily. If you are starving your body, splitting your intake into 6 portions will still leave you ravenous! I also find that each day can be a little different depending on activity levels. Don't put yourself into a single…
  • Thank you so much for your inspiring words! It was what I needed to hear. I am so impressed! I know I can handle one day at a time. By the way, you look very handsome!!
  • You are so blessed to be so young! I have learned 2 things about permanent weight loss. First, the changes you make in the way you eat have to be changes you can sustain for the rest of your life. Make little changes bit by bit so they become easy habits. Second, since you are doing this for the rest of your life....there…