

  • Hi There, Congrats on going to the gym anyway...that is really hard. I have not had a panic attack in quite awhile (knock on wood!!) but i use to get them all the time. I found that just knowing what it was helped me get through it. At first I thought it was physical issues so knowing it was caused by my mental state…
  • hi. i am not new but i have been off for awhile... the best thing that has worked for me is having healthy stuff readily available. i will go out of my way to eat junk so i have to make sure the good stuff is VERY convenient. one downfall i have is thinking of food and realizing i am not even hungry so beware of your…
  • welcome mattie. good luck to you, i hope you reach your goal and have fun in the process. i love how this site makes me think before i eat because i know i will have to enter it all into my log.
  • i'm not sure why little kids always see the negative but when i first started bleaching my teeth i only did the top so i could tell the difference...i was so excited about how great my teeth looked until a little boy said "why are your bottom teeth so yellow?". it just makes me realize and hopefully you too that we are the…