I'm brand new!

Hey everyone, my name is Jess and I just started this profile today. I'm finally getting my act together! I'm just looking to say hi and see if anyone has any ecouraging things to say. I'm anticipating a rough road but I'm VERY excited to start it.


  • TxTomcat
    TxTomcat Posts: 1
    You can do it, be consistent and record all foods. here to help if you need encouragement.
  • PecanTanDiva
    PecanTanDiva Posts: 162

    It will be rough in the early stages, but as soon as you start your journey you will be happy with all of the results and motivation you will receive from everyone on this site :flowerforyou:
  • skinnymeinaz
    skinnymeinaz Posts: 384 Member
    Hi Jess and Welcome! This is the best place to start!!!!

    I love MFP!!!!
  • cindy_leonard
    I'm pretty new too and looking forward to using this to finally shape up! Welcome!
  • LessMe2B
    LessMe2B Posts: 316
    All the support you need to accomplish your goals is right here. You'll build a network of positive MFP friends that'll cheer your successes and support you through your stumbles. Good luck to you and congratulations on starting this journey.
  • csmith7410
    i am not new but i have been off for awhile...
    the best thing that has worked for me is having healthy stuff readily available. i will go out of my way to eat junk so i have to make sure the good stuff is VERY convenient. one downfall i have is thinking of food and realizing i am not even hungry so beware of your brain! before you eat anything ask yourself am i hungry? and one other really good tip is to eat often. like every two and half to three hours but stuff that is good for you so you don't get to that starved point where you want to binge.
    good luck and congratulations on your start.
    this site is fun and helps us to be aware of what we are eating because we know we will have to enter it!
  • hhakb0
    hhakb0 Posts: 7
    Good Luck! This DOES work. I was 20 lbs overweight for like 4 years and could never get any real weight loss. I stuck with it and really maximized it my getting in some good exersize and lost most of it in 2-3 months. That was with some slacking. If you keep bruning those caoris yuo dont have to eat like a bird. You still ahve to watch snacks and portion sizes but you end up finding what works for you. I would not have survived without my 100 calorie cookies and snack mix. It got rid of the snack attack for sure. Summer is the bets time because you have so many options for getting off your duff! Have fun!
  • BuffieLuvsFerrets
    HI I have been here a week and this is an awesome site! Lots of supporters! add me if u want. :o)
  • wwhite94
    wwhite94 Posts: 176 Member
    welcome to MFP you found the right place for support and friends. Feel Free to add me.