APhakey86 Member


  • Hello I'm from Derbyshire as well :-) feel free to add :-)
  • Hi Well done on the weight loss so far :D I think i am coming to the stage you are at as well... the last part which is always the hardest. I do running about 4-5 times a week and what i plan on doing is trying to go a bit further and and improve my time and see if that works :S
  • I started to do this a while ago it is very good. :-) but stopped and in the new year and been doing running instead. Have you seen any of the Videos?
  • i suffer/suffered from the same issue, it is alot less than it used to be and I have done it by running, kinda got hooked onto it now. Also I did legs, bums and tum class and that has toned my stomach up :-)
  • I know what you mean, worse thing for me was it was holiday pictures that made me wake up and realise how bad i had got so it was public :S But i keep progress photos on my phone, gives me motivation for those down days :-)