karnypops Member


  • I am also pregnant with my first child and want to try and gain the least amount of weight possible - but by being healthy obviously but I am finding that quite hard at the moment tho as I feel sick quite alot and when I feel sick I need to eat, so I'm hoping that goes away soon - I am 10 weeks so I've heard that after the…
  • Also doesn't she think if she is consuming 1200 calories anyway she would be more satisfied with actual food rather than shakes, i would still be starving just having a shake for lunch but you can make a delicious and healthy low cal soup that would be way more filling - i don't see the point in faddy diets, I don't think…
  • Hi everyone, so glad I found this thread, here's some info about me, looking forward to hearing everyones tips on staying healthy during pregnancy. Just wanted to know anyones thoughts on using mfp while pregnant - like how many calories should I be eating, I don't want to gain to much weight but I obviously want to be as…
  • I never buy chocolate or crisps for the house just healthy foods, that way if I want something I know I'd have to go all the way to the shops to buy it which means you just end up having the healthy option instead. Also I have highlights hot chocolate in the house so if I ever feel like something sweet I just have that, it…
  • I just ordered my 30 day shred DVD today, looking forwrad to trying it out. I have Jillian Michaels 6 week 6 pack already and it's really good I just wanted to tone up, but now I'm ready to lose these extraChristmas pounds, all the reveiws sound good aswell so good luck!
  • I'm 5ft 1 and a quarter (the quarter seems to matter when your this short haha!) I am 120 at the moment I always say I'd love to be 100 but I think Im always happiest at 112 so I'm going for that, think it depends on your body type. I try and eat about 1200 calories a day but I'm not really strict about it (which is…
  • According to a web site I found 0.09 calories per minute per Lb of body weight. i think that is high as the trainer was using 53lb kettlebells however I think you can probably double 200 if the class is quick paced. [/quote] Thanks for this - i just started doing kettlebell and this little equation should help me with…
  • Welcome, feel free to add me, I'm kinda new to this aswell, looking to lose about 20lbs :)
  • Thanks guys :) think I might be starting with to light a weight but we'll see, looking forward to starting it tho, I like that it's really meant to tone you up too.
  • I'm not sure what the ideal weight would be but I have bought a 3kg and 4kg weight aswell, think those would be pretty good starting weights and ordered 2 kettleworx DVD's on ebay. I ended up getting sucked in by watching a class on the fitness channel and just usung dumbells but i quite liked it and think if you really…
  • Thanks guys :) I do drink alot of water I just always forget to add my glasses, I think I drink at least 1.5 litres a day. I def ate too much bread yesterday, when I'm off work I tend to eat bad. This week I'm going to exercise everyday and not eat my exercise cals back, eat more fruit and veg and have no bread (altho that…
  • At Pizza Expres they do a 500 calorie pizza and it's just a thin base and has hole in the middle with salad in it, they're yummy and you can eat a whole one - yum! haha!
  • I'm 5'1 (and a quarter! the quarter matters haha!) currenly 122 and would love to get down to 100, the lbs just dont seem to be coming off tho! hopefully if I gym like crazy they will start too.
  • Hey Lisa, Welcome! I just started this week too, kind of feeling the same as you want to be proper healthy and not just do faddy diets! Good Luck :)
    in hey :) Comment by karnypops October 2011
  • kalexander2005 - I'm so sorry to hear about your loss, I hope your doing ok now and good luck with everything. x
    in Hi :) Comment by karnypops October 2011
  • Thank you for all your nice words. It was 3 weeks ago now, so I'm starting to feel a little bit more positive about things and this is a wee step in the right direction :) Hope you are all doing well with your weight loss, it feels good to have some support :)
    in Hi :) Comment by karnypops October 2011
  • Ive kind of fallen off the exercise wagon and just trying to get back into it now, I like going to fitness classes cos I feel like you cant slack off or it gets noticed, plus when your exercising try to think the harder you work the more cals you burn i think it motivates me to work harder alse don't weigh yourself for two…