

  • I typically do 5 sets with 15 reps for each machine I do. I do several different machines that target abs, glutes, calves, quads, hams, bi's, and tri's. The weight varies.....glutes, calves, quads, and hams range from 60-80lbs. Abs around 30-35lbs. Arms will range from 12-17 lbs. I'm not very knowledgeable of what is…
  • http://www.sparkrecipes.com/ Scroll down to the advanced recipe finder. Click dietary needs and choose low carb. I love this recipe site! I especially enjoy the desserts!
  • That's awesome! I started buying 5 lb bags of fruit and veggies from Sam's Club. It's helped me run out a lot less. I eat veggies at least 2 times a day!