

  • Awesome job!!!! I too am a slow runner my fastest race has been 35:15 just last month! I have another on 10/30 that I am excited to do!! Races are addicting!!! LOL!!! Next summer I plan to do one a month. I even plan on running one in Feburary here in Maine!! Brrrr!!!
  • I lost 110lbs in 2 years without surgery....
  • Great in pasta (Lasagna & other dishes) on pizza. It is also used to make desserts. I don't think I would eat it as a snack though.... Not appealing to me.
  • Custard, canned mushrooms (sometime mushrooms are ok if minced up and just a few of them but never canned), any Meat (I'm vegetarian) AND OH YES GLUTEN FREE DIETS (Hubby just became GF)!!!
  • Lisamarie1226 I am right there with you! I have lost about the same amount of weight and have the same problems! I agree that you might want to increase your weights. I have been trying to get my weight time done myself but I really do love running so I have to really remind myself to do the weight workouts!…
  • I like Joseph's Kalamata Olive & Artichoke hummus on carrot (any type of veggie sticks really) , RF Triscuts and I just tried it on Wasa Crisp bread! YUM!!!! I also like as a wrap with a tortilla, sprouts, tomatoes, lettuce, cukes, carrot shreds... etc...
    in HUMMUS!! Comment by tlamhain August 2010
  • GREAT JOB!!!!!! It took me 2 years 7 months to loose 110 pounds. That averages out to be about a pound a week. I wondered the same thing at first but I finally realized that I needed to be happy with the way I was loosing not how others were....
  • I have been waiting until later in the evening to go for a run. If it is too hot I will just go slower. I also went running yesterday then went to the lake for a swim!
  • This is what I have used to figure out what I should get for water....
  • My daughter graduated this June and a friend of mine said my daughters (13 & 18) all look like sisters and my hubby looked like our Dad!!! He isn't old he's only 42!!!!!!
  • December 2006 This was in October 2009 January 7, 2010 June 10, 2010
  • Great job!!! My thought has always been that it did not matter how much the loss was as long as it was a loss! Now if I could just get rid of these last few pounds........ Oh ya I meant to say that I am a vegetarian as well!!! But not interested in Vegan at this point... I just love cheese too much! I do feel so much…
  • I use a great recipe for home made Mac& Cheese I got off of Weight Watchers. I find it to be a great lower cal recipe without being blah! Plus I add garlic, thyme and a few shakes of hot sauce. Oh and I use whole wheat pasta don't like whie pasta anymore! Weight Watchers Macaroni and Cheese: Recipe Renovation 12 oz…