

  • we just got tap out for my husband, I am doing p90x, however i tried tapout today, i think i am switching routines on monday :). how do you log the workouts in the calander here?
  • There are NO vegan meals at resturants except salad, and i went for dinner last week and had a veggie pizza but asked them to leave the cheese off, the waitress asked if i had dietary restrictions or was this by choice. I never know how to respond to people, why are they so suprised by ppl who want to eat compassionately,?
  • yes, i know, and my husband laughs and ays no she eats grass, whatever i will be the person over here without heart disease thanks
  • where do you get your proten...? No i mean a complete protein, FFS really? hmm maybe kale, nuts, beans, anything without a face, oh and guess what, I get more "real "protein then your uncompasionate diet does, ,,,,just saying
  • I just completed P90X i would say that it is the best work out EVER. phase 1 i lost 7 inches, it is deffinately worth the money. I am now considering doing insanity or another round of p90x, i havent fully decided. But I promise ANYONE who is skeptical to try it because of the cost IT REALLY WORKS, i love it. Infact i saw…