

  • Hire a personal trainer!!! I work out at a gym & even if I get bored w/ my routine I hire a trainer just to change it up! It is well worth every penny!! You will learn so much from your trainer! They are trained to motivate you & you will work harder than ever!!! Plus.... you will see results much quicker by incorporating…
  • Binging..... I try to keep all my snacks... healthy ones & not healthy ones in zip lock snack size baggies. This helps w/ portion control. EVERYONE binges so don't feel bad! Next time divide your trail mix into small baggies & you always have WATER with your snacks! You can do it!! :) :flowerforyou:
  • Happy, Smiley, Positive & Pretty:)
  • My 16 yr old daughter wears a 36DD and plays softball & soccer. She loves the Enell bras & Underarmor bras. I've bought both @ Amazon!!! Amazing prices... (even at 50.00 - 70.00) it was well worth the price!! No more bounce!! :wink:
  • I am 44... 5' 4" 130 lbs & I had 2 c-sections & have a flat belly!! Yes you can do it!!! Tons of water... eat healthy... daily exercise... I know you are busy w/ a new baby but even if it's 20 minutes in the morning & 15 minutes in the evening... just keep moving!!! :) You go girl!! Good luck!! :)
  • Hi... love this site! Love the daily food tracking... makes ya think twice about what you put in your mouth!! I was very amazed that I was taking in too much protein!!! SHOCKER!!! Need to cut out the protein & up my calories!!! Does anyone have any healthy easy snacks that can be eaten at my desk at work? I don't care for…
  • OMG..... I LOVE Insanity!!! I just wish I had more time to do it! I am thinking about putting my TV in my garage away from my laundry & other household chores I come home to after work! Haha... Keep up the good work!