

  • Carbs are you main source of energy and should make up 55-60% of your diet (as long as you are active, if sedentary then as low as 45%). If you are shooting for about 1750 calories a day then you should be consuming at least 240g of carbs and only 24g of those should come from simple sugars.
  • Protein should be about 10-15% of your total calorie intake per day. How much you consume varies on your level of activity as well. You can convert your weight to kg and use the numbers below to get an idea of what you should be consuming. Sedentary individual: 0.8g-0.9g of protein per kg or weight Physically active:…
  • I think your breakfast looks very good and healthy! you may just need to give your body time to adjust to your new diet and workouts. When I switched my breakfast to a healthier choice it took my body a while to adjust, especially if your previous diet was totally different. Also, if you are feeling fatigued during your…
  • Almond milk is a really good milk substitute too! It taste different on its own but I think it actually makes for a better addition to cereal and coffee. It's less calories and actually has more calcium but remember that when it comes to beverages the main thing you should be consuming should be water. Anything else really…
    in Milk. Comment by awatscw08 August 2012