Thank you to ALL who actually gave positive helpful information to my simple question!! Geeeez some of you are something else!! I'll ignore the calories I just want to track my actual carbs for the day that's pretty much it!
I am on day 8 of eating less than 25 grams per day and I experienced the leg cramps last night and this morning! Good to know I am not alone!! Alauzon how much have you lost and how long have you been eating this way? I am LOVING it and LOVING not starving and LOVING eating steaks with mushrooms!! hahaha
I don't think thats what happened to me though! I lifted daily (took off Sundays) and was in amazing shape!! Had muscle tone as well! I'll see if I can post a pic to share..I just like the original poster gained my weight back due to some issues in my life that sent me in a downward spiral of food,food and more food...but…
I ate less than 1200..not sure of the amount and went from 220 to 150 in about 8 months. I lifted weights daily and had a day once per week where I ate what I wanted then picked right back up where I left off. Worked great for me personally...
Oh heck that's easy! PINTEREST!!! Just type low carb in the search bar and TONS of recipes will pop! I have a couple of boards you are welcome to follow ;)
Found it!! Wal Mart! Thanks y'all!! :)
Where would I find pepperspray? That sounds great!!!! I just don't know where to buy it?
Thank you so much! I will have to look for that bread! That would be perfect!!! :)
Thanks for the responses! And when I say vegetables...i mean ALL veggies! Including beans! LOVE eggs as well...just not super fond of meat! Not really a vegetarian so to speak I just lean more towards non meat dishes..if I have a choice between a hamburger or a portobello mushroom burger i will totally go with the…
I just want to lose weight y'all!! That's IT!!
Meant my stats...
Oh & my stars are 40 yr old Mom of 3 needing to lose 70 lb...I am 5' a desk job & weigh 220 sooo I'm going to be keeping my calories between 800-1200..thanks again for the responses!! :) OH & 7 years ago I lost 50 lb within 6 months following this type caloric diet..dud no cardiograph & lifted 6 days a week (split…
Yep YOU are telling me exactly what I wanted to hear & what YOU say I take straight to heart! I know you know your stuff & are the queen of the Venus Index ;) thank you everyone for you responses.. ill be proving the starvation mode theory wrong & will report back in a couple of months!!