

  • Thats really awesome! dont worry about that guy, hes an *kitten* obviously- I wanted to tell you- someone once told me it only takes 14 days of going to the gym before its not really a fight anymore- I know that seems like a long time but if you keep pushing yourself those days will soon be up and then you will look…
  • I'm new too adn looking for support! feel free to add me! :smile:
  • oh and i'd like to post some pictures of me at my heaviest, then at my lightest, then now... just for more motivation- anyone else feel free too!!
  • thank you!! im super excited!! :) and anyone feel free to add me as a friend! the more friends and support the better!
  • :smile: yay! thanks! whats your goal?
  • I'm in... Name: Regina Age: 26 Wedding Date: 10/20/2012 :) Starting Weight: 150 ish (i havent actually checked yet) Goal(s): 125-130 WE CAN DO THIS!!!!! yay for brides! lets kick some *kitten* girls
  • I saw this on another post.. i think its a great idea she made a chart to keep track of everyones progress and goals Name/ real name: Goal weight on January 31st: 1/01: 1/09: 1/16: 1/23: 1/30: we'd have to alter it a little because its already the 9th but one time a week we could check in and to a weigh in ... thoughts?
  • Im in the same boat- around 20-25 pounds- lets get something going where we can check in with each other with our goals