

  • I feel pretty good. I'm glad I made it through and it helps having everyones support! Thank you so much!
  • I did it! I went 40 minutes on the treadmill. I did the Interval setting which has you alternate running and walking. I burned 455 calories. I am still sweating! Good thing I don't share an office with anyone :)
  • thank you that helps alot! and very true. i just have to do it and get it over with!
  • Help! I'm supposed to go work out in about a half hour and I don't feel like it! I'm sure I will end up going but I don't want to have a negative attitude when I do go! Anyone else out there feeling unmotivated today???
  • LOL. This is actually the first time I have worked out consistently. I always seem to start and then get frustrated because I don't see results after a couple times. I had a gym membership for 2 years that I probably used 5 times at the most! Since I have access to a free gym, I'm taking advantage of it. This site has…
  • I just started working out a couple weeks ago. Started using the gym in the building where I work and going with one of my coworkers at lunch. Well she just got laid off so I'm trying to stay motivated to go everyday or at least 3 times a week. I hope this site will help!