Hahham Member


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  • buy a scale for food and weigh out your food with a 1 cup or a 1/2 cup then put it on your plate. I LOVE MY CARBS AND THIS IS THE BEST WAY TO CONTROL HOW MUCH YOU ARE EATING
  • Great Job! Keep up that hard earned body and keep inspiring all of us out here!!
  • oh and here is some food for thought. For those of you who drive to numerous stores to get everything exactly how much are you spending on gas versus how much you are saving at that particular store?? Studies have shown when you drive to numerous stores to save a penny you are spending a dime in fuel.
  • it's different strokes for different folks her you guys. It all depends on how many mouths you have to feed, the ages of those mouths, your grocery budget, the time you have etc. etc. etc. what may seem as an excuse to you is expensive to me. I spend WAY more now then I did before so it is expensive as compared to frozen…
  • i haven't figured it out either. I enter my menu for the day based on my starting calories then I enter my exercise after I have completed it and see how I am doing. If I am under then great! I dont try to eat back the calories but if i have room for 2 cookies at the end of the day then I will eat them as i love sweets (my…
  • 2 c-sections (check) overhang, pooch, whatever ya wanna call it (check) wanting it to go away (check) yep I am in this boat too!
  • newbie also! add me and we can support each other
  • feel free to add me. we can support each other
  • please add me as well. I have 2 boys 5 and 2.5 and I am determined to loose all the weigh I gained after having them both. I had c-section both times so it has been extreamly hard and I can use all the friends I can get. :) Positive reinforecemnets
  • I am pcoser as well. Diagnosed 7 years ago. Went on South Beach. lost 30 lbs had son #1 5 years ago. back on s.b a year later and had sone #2 2.5 years ago. now sb is not working. nothing seems to work. perhaps its the added mommy stress. well heres to hoping this works!