

  • This idea is gold - I do the same thing!! Pre-made FRESH salads is perfect. Grill the chicken on the weekend or some evening and you have it for the week. Toss your salad in a bowl and add the chicken and eat as you go. Salad doesn't take long to eat so it's nice that you can gobble it down and not experience the "post…
    in Lunch? Comment by Denise_1010 June 2013
  • Please remember, when you're tracking your food intake on this site that you need to not focus so much on the calories but where the calories are coming from. 800 calories from a tv dinner is vastly different than 800 calories coming from a balanced diet of fruits, nuts, vegetables and protein sources (beans, meat). What…
  • What kind of Oatmeal are you eating that you're getting 33 grams of sugar from it? You should be eating whole, natural oatmeal. If you have any sugar it should be a pinch of brown sugar to make it just bearable to eat (I can't stand oatmeal and never eat it!). Remember that sugar occurs naturally in fruits and vegetables,…
    in sugar Comment by Denise_1010 June 2013
  • One thing you and your husband have to do is get on the same page with your parenting. Just because he choses to work outside the home, and you work at home, doesn't mean he's absolved of watching the kids so you can get out of the house. He's gone 8+ hours a day. It doesn't matter how tired he is when he gets home, YOU…
  • First off, GREAT JOB on the weight loss. That's an absolutely incredible amount of weight that takes a lot of willpower and dedication, and you are to be congratulated. Not many people can say they have lost that much weight! As far as your workouts, now that you're down to a healthy weight, you should consider getting…