jessi4d Member


  • No official snow day for me, but I got in early, so I can try to beat the crappy weather this after noon. Pam- sorry you don't feel well. Rest and lots of warm fluids for you!
  • I have UTI's as well, and I can agree that that is the worst pain I have ever experienced. Hopefully you get it cleared up and are not in so much pain.
  • Hi all, Happy Monday from the freezing northeast. Ron-Fingers crossed for you! AFM- I lost nothing this week. Nothing! 2 days of running, 1 boot camp class and a yoga class and nothing. Ugh. It's weeks like this that I am so frustrated, that I just want a big dirty martini or 3. But I'm going to try to be better this week…
  • :happy:Lost 2lbs last week, probably due to not drinking any alcohol during the two week wait. My goals for the week are to get to the gym at least 5 times. 41 days til vacation!
  • Manda- the bib is from my first 5K from November. I didnt do as well as I wanted but it gave me a good starting point. And since I'm 30, my monthly chances dropped to ~15% each month. Boo!
  • Hi all, I'm late to join the group, but my husband and I decided to move up our TTC date a couple of months. Actually, I did, he's just enjoying the BD. :) We've been on MFP for a couple of months, trying to get our calorie in take under control. I moved from NYC, where I could have any food I wanted but walked everywhere,…
  • In September, I will commit to and continue with my training for the 5K and finally run that 5K in October.