Fit For Future Families - January 2011



  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Phoenyxlove - welcome!

    Pam - I think its normal to be disappointing for any negative, HPT or OPK.

    Heather - I love working out with DH too, even if it's just going for a walk around the neighborhood. I hope your visit goes smoothly.

    AFM - (since I know what that means now!) Ok, so I gave in and tested. I don't know who I was kidding by thinking that I could make it to CD33. I know it's most accurate with the first urine of day and we didn't have any HPT's in the house. Let me tell you I was quite the sight this morning at 4:30 in my pj's and glasses at the drugstore trying to hold my pee. :laugh: :laugh:
    There was a second line. Granted it was a lot lighter than the control line, but it was definitely there and DH and I both saw it immediately. I'm freaking out, and I'm not sure if I believe it. But a line is a line right?

    Hey ladies... I just came to check in on you all and I have a lot to catch up on! Some of you have such exciting stuff going on right now! I am going to read to catch up for awhile but I saw this one...

    Ron- a line is a line. I tested a ton times at first becuase my first couple were faint. Don't test over and over the same day because you will get negatives like I did. A positive is a postive!!!! I would try again tommorow morning... if you want get a digital so that its not a "line" you are reading but the dr. said the ones with the line are more accurate. Praying for you but I think you have something good! Congrats!

    As an update I have made it to my 12 weeks. I still feel like major crap all of the time and I have lost weight (but the tummy is bigger). But everything has looked great at the dr!

    K, going back to read about you all!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Heather – I know what you mean when you say spontaneous ovulation is exciting…I’m so hoping this happens this month – all the signs are pointing to the fact that I probably will this month. I was shocked by how much the dang OPKs cost though. :noway: Sent hubby out for my first round of them in about 8 years….yikes!!!!! I agree that we are due for another BFP (or 3 or 4 of them!!!) I’m the same way about working out with my hubby – I won’t even join a ladies only gym or any gym for that matter without him.

    Ron – I’m sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo EXCITED!!!!! A line is a line dang it!!! It’s still early which is probably why it was a little light. Defintely do another one tomorrow…..I’m doing such a happy dance. I remember when the thread started and we were all in awe of your great work on weight loss and now it’s paying off in so many ways. I’m so so so happy for you!!!! I love the fact that you didn’t have to tell hubby (remember that discussion) and that he was there to experience it for himself!!! WOO HOO!!!! :bigsmile:

    Tallib – there are quite a few of us PCOSers here, Welcome! Someone here was just asking about Chasteberry actually so this is definitely a good thread for you :happy: My doctor didn’t want to put me on Clomid either because of the side effects and because even if they got me to ovulate there was no guarantee with DH’s MFI (male factor infertility) that we’d get pregnant. We’ve hopefully overcome that so I have no idea what our next steps are…..55lbs is a great goal and you’re already doing really well (10lbs in 1 month!!!) :drinker:

    AnneElise – Awwww….its a peanut!!!! I can’t believe you’re 12 weeks along already  Seems like just a week or two ago you got your BFP!!! Glad everything’s going well and crazy that you’re losing still…means you must be eating really well for both of you!!! :smooched:

    AFM (LOL): I woke up really crampy this morning – don’t know what that’s all about…cramps aren’t really my thing. I went to do my OPK this morning and who knows where DH put it (I don’t normally let him clean but with the impromptu guests yesterday….LOL) so I’m going to wait until after he’s done work today. I’m hoping it’s a sign though since today is CD14 that we’re getting close to O. The friends that came over yesterday are great. I asked her how she’s been doing with her weight loss and she told me that she’s seeing Dr. Poon (my old bariatric doctor)…he specializes in the morbidly obese with diabetes, PCOS, etc. in our area and the province pays for you to see him (unlike some of the other bariatric doctors). I think when I do groceries this week, I’m going to try and only pick up the items on his list. If I start following that diet a little more closely (not so much as when he made me :sad: ….hence “old” bariatric doctor) I think I’ll start seeing the weight come off again.

    Weigh in again tomorrow ladies – are you ready? LOL I don’t know anymore….
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    LOL - I'm always shocked by how long my posts are about verbose
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member

    AnneElise – Awwww….its a peanut!!!! I can’t believe you’re 12 weeks along already  Seems like just a week or two ago you got your BFP!!! Glad everything’s going well and crazy that you’re losing still…means you must be eating really well for both of you!!! :smooched:

    Yes, he/she is a little peanut now! I actually am only loosing weight because I throw up 4 times a day :ohwell: That should end soon.... My dr. wants me to gain 7-11 lbs by 20 weeks.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Yay, Ron! Were the lines pink or blue? I would back up with a digi if you used a blue dye test. They give very light blue evaps a lot of times and it can be very disappointing, but a pink line I would be believe.

    Good luck with O, Pam!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Ron- I'm overjoyed for you! Why is it that when we are on the other side of things it is so easy for us to say "a line is a line" (which btw is 99% of the time how it is) but when we are the one peeing on a stick we find it hard to believe?! lol! And trust me, I've been at walmart at 5am looking like a hot mess pregnancy test in hand! I think it's part of being a woman to be slightly crazy when it comes to this whole baby thing!

    AnneElise- So happy you've made it through the first trimester without problems (I'm sure vomiting 4 times a day is a bummer...but at least the baby is a happy peanut!)

    Pam- I buy the digital (cause comparing lines is not my forte) and buy the 20 tests and use only 10 each month, so it comes out to about $20 per month. Nothing like seeing a smiley face after you pee on a stick though! lol! What kind of foods does Dr. Poon suggest? And definitely NOT ready for the weigh in....

    Welcome talib! Lots of ladies here who are very wise to pcos and all this wonderful syndrome does to our weight/fertility! I think there are good and bad things with every drug. I've known people to have healthy term pregnancies on Clomid as well as those who have had their first pregnancy because of Clomid only to lose it in miscarriage (myself included). I do take Metformin 1500mg per day for almost a year and still haven't ovulated on my own (hoping it is happening this month due to a change in my diet and getting the insulin resistance under check!). Good luck with everything though!

    Erica- I hope you are feeling better now and the jaw is in tip top shape! I agree with you, Ron make sure it is a pink lined test. Those blue tests far too often let people down....

    My father in law and his gf just left. I already have a headache! He doesn't talk at all...and she talks WAY too much (very loud as well). It is just always uncomfortable. I got up early and made a big breakfast. I stayed within my way of eating so I'm feeling good so far today. Looking at making beef stew in the crockpot today. Guess I need to get on that since it is already past 10am if we want to eat before bed! More snow in the forecast
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Heather - I always sigh a sigh of relief too....We only see my inlaws every few months (like 2x a year) because they live so far away.

    I'm trying to find my Dr. Poon book...argggg frustrating - Hubby must have cleaned!!! I need it for grocery shopping. The basics are that any vegetable that grows in the ground is off limits (carrots, parsnips, onions, etc.), no processed foods, very little grains and dairy (for phase I). It's almost unlimited leafy greens.....there's actually a list of things. There are some things you can eat, but in set portions (like mushrooms are 1 cup/day). Phase II becomes a little less restrictive then phase III is even more so......If I can stick to phase II, I think I'll be in good shape, phase I is almost like a detox to get rid of the sugars and refined carbs. It's only meant to last 2 weeks.

    Maybe it's cause I'm in Canada, but I only got 9OPKs (and it was a bonus pack, was supposed to be 7) for $50!!!

    Oh yeah, Tallib, I've been doing 1500mg of Metformin for ~7 months now and I think this might be my first "regular" cycle.....only other thing I'm taking is Synthroid at the lowest dose because my thyroid was a little high to carry to term successfully once we do get pregnant.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Heather, my jaw is much improved, thanks! I am extremely congested and have lots of sinus pain, but I can chew so it's all good. I tried to convince my husband to let me buy hpts yesterday, but he said no. Then he made of fun of me for listening to him. :laugh: If my temp is still up tomorrow, then I'll probably buy some and test on Tuesday. We didn't get any more snow even thought it was in the forecast. I'm sure you're happy to have your home be your home again. Stay warm!

    LOL, Pam, it sounds like your husband cleans like my husband. I know where things go and he does not... :wink:

    Welcome, Tallib!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    erica- Glad your jaw is better. Hopefully the sinus stuff will be over sooner rather than later. How exciting to get the chance to test! Will Tues be the day after you are supposed to start? Oh and I thought we would be getting lots more snow and it was snowing a little when I woke up this morning...but I'm glad we didn't get the 4" projected!

    pam- I forgot to mention before that I too am obsessed with Teen Mom/16 and dh wonders why I watch it and admitted that it actually angers him and makes him a little sad that they have babies when we want one so badly and are obviously a lot more prepared then them. I explained to him that I actually feel sorry for them because the rest of their lives will never be the same and they will ALWAYS struggle.
    I find any diet that restricts really really hard to follow for longer than a few days even if it is for the greater good. I used to be the kind of person that would order a chicken sandwich (fried with mayo) and a lemonade from McDonalds and think I was being healthy because it wasn't a burger and soda! Boy have I come a long way! I have made slow changes over the years (my first two changes were to stop soda, even diet, and no eating anywhere that has a drive thru). I've slowly but surely come to the way I currently eat (which by no means is perfect, but is closer to how someone with pcos should eat). But different things obviously work differently for each person.

    Didn't get very much sleep last night and then have had some family drama so I've been doing everything in my power to not self sabotage (I tend to do that when I'm tired and when I have stress). So far so good... Hope everyone is having a great Sunday!
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Hi all--
    Ron-- I'll say it again for ya--a line is a line! The first one I ever took (I was doing a "control" test, so I would know what a negative looked like)....and ended up with a positive test. I find it terribly ironic now, since we are having issues conceiving this time. But, that's another issue. Wait a few days (if you can), and the line should get darker on the next test. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! So happy for you!!

    As for me, I was down 1.2 lbs from last week....that's phenomenal for me. Then we went out for a (very few and far between) date night last night and then went out for lunch after church today and I am pretty sure that I undid just about all of it. But, I'll stop short of saying it wasn't worth it--that killer brownie sundae (which I split with hubby) was totally worth it at the time. But, that's why I decided to weigh in on Fridays...I have 5 weekdays where my eating seems to be more stable to get myself back together before stepping on that scale. I'm using an OPK this positive yet. Here's a not so funny story--I used it and left it on the counter when I went to go exercise, not thinking about it. It had two lines but one was very faint (see the comment to Ron above.) Hubby saw it and was all excited for a few seconds until I had to break it to him what an OPK was and how it worked and what it was telling me. Broke my little heart to have to do that to him. He's okay now and knows to be expecting more of them lying on the counter if I happen to walk away from it and forget. I told him to assume any tests he finds are part of an OPK, and that I would tell him before I took any Preg Test...just to avoid confusion.

    I'm sorry people have felt like they aren't getting the support they need and have left this thread. That's too bad, and I know it's not what any of us intended to happen. My favorite thing about this thread is that it is a safe place to get things out of my head that I need to get out of my head--especially around this very personal issue....and this way my husband and the few others who know about my struggle don't have to take all of it. It is a very personal and consuming issue. So, I just want you to know that I appreciate you all "listening" even if you don't comment. You all are supporting me just by reading the words I'm typing, and that's what I need. Just wanted to say that.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Heather, yes AF is due tomorrow (or possibly Tuesday, sometimes my LP is a day longer), but thus far I don't feel like she's on her way. Probably because I've been only sporadically temping, so I may have missed a dip toward my coverline, which is usually when I feel "out" of the game. I will be dreadfully disappointed if my temp is low and AF starts tomorrow.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Heather - good job on staying strong through a rough weekend!!!

    Kah - I feel the same way. I just need to get it out....and appreciate it when someone comments, but I'm fine knowing that people are reading it.

    Erica - you're not out just fingers are crossed that this is your cycle!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Erica all I can say is that I absolutely can say I've been there. It has brought me to a deep depression time and time again in the past when AF shows up. I will be bummed out if things don't happen this month, but I am not expecting it (just hoping). You are definitely in my prayers!

    kah- Congrats on the loss! I'm the same way with doing really good throughout the week and weighing in on Fridays. My "free" meal is usually sometime during the weekend and I am very sodium sensitive so even if the meal isn't a very high calorie meal, it usually has a higher salt content and I'm bloated for days after! I say as long as you eat clean for 90% of the time you are definitely successful! And now after the day I've had and reading your post I can't stop dreaming of a brownie sundae! :)
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Welcome tallib!

    AnneElise - I'm sorry you're still getting sick, but very happy that your baby is doing well.

    Pam - I've got my fingers crossed for you that it's O cramps.

    Heather - I'm sorry you had a rough visit, but at least everyone is out of your house now. There's more snow in the forecast for us too....I'm ready for Spring or another trip to Puerto Rico!

    Erica - I'm glad you're feeling better! DH laughed at me too last week because I listened to him about not buying any HPTs. When I woke him up this morning to tell him I wanted to go to the store this was our conversation, "you made me promise not to let you buy any until Friday." "pleeeeeeeese" "ugh, fine but you're driving"

    kah78 - Great loss this week! And i agree with Heather, as long as most days are healthy I think you're on the right track.

    I used a pink line test. I may test again tomorrow or Tuesday morning, just because I want to see a darker line. :laugh: I'm still cramping, but it's very mild and doesn't last for long periods of time. Everything I've read said this is completely normal, but I still don't like it. :grumble: Now I'm off to pass out, I never was able to fall back asleep after I tested this morning and I'm exhausted!!!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Good night all - hope your weekends were good (and that you have a great loss tomorrow - or whenever your weigh in is for the week).

    My goal for this week is to make sure I mediate at least 5x this week for 5 minutes before bed. I find I sleep more soundly when I do. I get so little sleep at night that I make up for it in the evening. I'd also like to be getting into bed for 10. I find I lose more steadily when I have a good nights sleep. Also want to make it to aquafit 2x this week (found another swim buddy so I don't get demotivated weekly).
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    I hope you ladies don't mind if I hang around here for a few more days. I'm going to test again tomorrow morning and if the line is darker I'll feel a bit more confident that I'm pregnant. :laugh:

    SW: 204
    LW: 152.5
    CW: 151

    Although I'm thrilled to be one pound away from my goal weight, it kinda makes me nervous that I'm losing weight now. :indifferent:
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    2011 SW: 241.8

    Week 1: 237.9lbs (-3.9 lbs)
    Week 2: 235.5lbs (-2.4lbs)
    Week 3: 238.9lbs (+3.5lbs)
    Week 4: 236.2lbs (-2.7lbs)

    Almost back down to my week 2 loss....and that's after a lazy weekend....I'll take it :)

    Ron - I won't speak for everyone else, but don't be silly....LOL Of course you can hang out here, as long as you need to :)
  • charliewigan
    charliewigan Posts: 10 Member
    Hey Guys,

    Hope you all had good weekends.

    Ron - keeping my fingers crossed for you - but I would be inclined to go with the ladies who say 'a line is a line'

    Erica - also sending out positive thoughts for you - hope its good news!

    Pam - congrats on the loss! Hope you have yourself a 'regular' cycle this month!

    Heather - Hope your 2ww isnt too stressful and hope there's a nice surprise at the end!

    AFM- I was in A&E until 11pm last night, as the 'twinges' i mentioned the other day turned into the most gut-wrenching pain I have ever experienced! They ran a few tests and it turns out I have a pretty severe Urinary Tract Infection - the docs were surprised that I had only just got myself checked out with the amount of white blood cells that were in my pee!! So my logic tells me that I could have had this for a couple of months and am kinda hoping that this could be the reason for my irregular cycles (if things are a bit messed up in that area) So am on a course of antibiotics for a week and hoping thats once everything has cleared up, I'll get a visit from AF.
  • jessi4d
    jessi4d Posts: 7 Member
    Hi all, Happy Monday from the freezing northeast.

    Ron-Fingers crossed for you!

    AFM- I lost nothing this week. Nothing! 2 days of running, 1 boot camp class and a yoga class and nothing. Ugh. It's weeks like this that I am so frustrated, that I just want a big dirty martini or 3. But I'm going to try to be better this week about my water intake, since that might be what is derailing me. My run on Sat sucked. I put the treadmill on a 1% incline and that measly 1% made it 100% harder. But as weird as this sounds, and not something I tell my husband, to get through the last 3 min, I kept telling myself "You are doing this for your future babies. They deserve a fit mother!" and I made it through. I probaby should tell my husband I'm talking to phantom babies to motivate myself. :)
    Also this week is my ovulation week, so it's BD every day this week! Woohoo.
  • jessi4d
    jessi4d Posts: 7 Member
    Hey Guys,

    Hope you all had good weekends.

    Ron - keeping my fingers crossed for you - but I would be inclined to go with the ladies who say 'a line is a line'

    Erica - also sending out positive thoughts for you - hope its good news!

    Pam - congrats on the loss! Hope you have yourself a 'regular' cycle this month!

    Heather - Hope your 2ww isnt too stressful and hope there's a nice surprise at the end!

    AFM- I was in A&E until 11pm last night, as the 'twinges' i mentioned the other day turned into the most gut-wrenching pain I have ever experienced! They ran a few tests and it turns out I have a pretty severe Urinary Tract Infection - the docs were surprised that I had only just got myself checked out with the amount of white blood cells that were in my pee!! So my logic tells me that I could have had this for a couple of months and am kinda hoping that this could be the reason for my irregular cycles (if things are a bit messed up in that area) So am on a course of antibiotics for a week and hoping thats once everything has cleared up, I'll get a visit from AF.
    I have UTI's as well, and I can agree that that is the worst pain I have ever experienced. Hopefully you get it cleared up and are not in so much pain.